I thought I should put one up...

Hey everyone, I've been on here for a few days so I thought I should say a little something about myself. I'm 18 and weigh between 355 and 360 pounds ( the scale always likes to move around) and I've been obese for most of my life. The last time I actually remember being thin was around 5 years old and my family has the same weight problems I do.

So since the beginning of this year, I promised that I would lose weight and get to my goal of 250 but it's always been an issue because of the lack of actual support from my family. It's not really their fault, they just don't have good self-control and I am the same way.

So when I first got on this site I did meet someone who I starting off this journey with and she's is super awesome. I just wanted to ask and see if there were any more people who would like to join. I feel like with more friends it would become a bigger commitment and a great motivation.

It's really refreshing to be on a site like this and I promise to motivate you guys as well !! :)


  • You got this! It may seem like a lot now, but take it one day at a time, and it'll add up. Looks like you're getting some great workouts in already!

    I'm from the Bronx too, by the way (Riverdale), moved to Seattle several years ago. Welcome to MFP!