Looking for support, friends, people to exchange ideas

Hey everyone,

37yo medically retired US Army. Long story short I was overweight in my teenage years until I decided I wanted to join the US Army. I enjoyed 15 years of excellent fitness, was lean at 172lbs and had great muscle tone. An IED changed that and I spent my last 2 years in the army at BAMC (Brook Army Medical Center) where they did a good job fixing me and doing basic rehab therapy, but where I also lingered bedridden for far too long.

When I was medically retired things got worse for me and I had problems with the VA and weight loss. Physical therapy has been just that, therapy and not really any kind of much needed fitness program.

About a week ago I looked in the mirror and looked at an old photo of me after I completed RIP/RASP and said to myself, "This isn't who I am. I need to get me back!."

Looking for support and new friends. If you happen to be one like me who knew what it was to be exactly where you were happy with yourself and your body only to lose it all that is a plus. If you were ever with 75th Ranger Regiment by chance that's a huge bonus.

If you were never any of these things, it matter not to me. We're all in this together.


  • Hi Shank,
    I'm from the UK. Last weekend, I paid a visit to the Invictus Games held here in London for wounded veterans. Ex wounded servicemen and women from thirteen different countries, including the U.S.A. took part in the games. This was the first international games of this type. Prince Harry put the games together in less than a year after visiting the Warrior Games in the U.S.

    I always had a lot of respect and admiration for our veterans and it was great that I was able to give something back in a small way to those veterans by supporting those games and cheering them on. I could see they appreciated the support (almost every venue was sold out) and all the competitors had big smiles on their faces. They thanked us, the spectators, for going to the games and we thanked them in return.

    It was amazing to see how sport had changed these veterans lives. By the way, "Invictus" is Latin and means "Unconquered". As for me, I can't wait for the next games. They were all great.

    Here is a link to the website. http://invictusgames.org/ You may have to copy and paste it into your browser.

    I'll be happy to support you.

    Good luck and best wishes.

  • zac775
    zac775 Posts: 199 Member
    Hi Shank,

    Im in the UK military, and happy to support, motivate and chat when ever you want. So please feel free to add me.

  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    I am not in the military and I never was. You can add me if you like though. I do work in a prison so I know a bit about a shank though. : )
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    You can certainly add me. I was not a Ranger but I did spend five years in the Army (98-03).