it never fails...

CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I am so annoyed to lose a pound or two to only get stuck at the same weight for a month!! I was stuck at 166lbs for over a month....I finally cheated for like 4 days in a row and step on the scale and I had gained a pound....two days later I was down to 164.5....well I have been stuck at 164.5 for like 3 weeks now....what the hell!? I just dont get it!!! it is sooo annoying....i am staying on track with my calories and working out everyday!!! Please help??? why do I keep getting stuck?


  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    This happens to me too. I was stuck at the exact same weight (give or take 2 lbs) for three weeks even though I was coming in at pretty much my calorie goal every day during that period. Then, one day out of the blue, I lost a pound and started losing again.

    I can't really figure out what happened, but I would recommend that you just stay the course, keep putting the right things into your body, keep moving, and trust that you will be moving in the right direction.

    Having said this, I know it is frustrating as hell when you want a little encouragement from the scales. Keep the faith. Good things will most certainly come.

  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Well my first piece of advice would be...don't stress yourself out! Stress and anxiety for a lot of people triggers hormonal imbalances that hence result in weight gain.

    Second, give yourself a break...what is your current workout regimen? What types of workouts are you doing? You may need to switch that up...also what kinds of foods are you eating? Sometimes even though we are under our calories...what we are eating isn't promoting weight loss.
  • richiefixo
    richiefixo Posts: 104 Member
    You are getting stuck because your body is getting adapted to the stress you are putting on it. what you need to do to loose good weight is increase your calorie intake dramatically two days on 2 days healthier eating and keep the work out at a minimum of an hour a day and dont forget to cardio it, weight it and stretch the hell out of it.

    This keeps your body guessing and confuses it causing it to shed the pounds unwillingly. dont forget hydrate your body and be nice to it. moisturise and pamper it.

    stay beautiful
    - rich
  • Am I the only person with a food scale? I measure my foods to ensure that I'm not overeating.
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    Am I the only person with a food scale? I measure my foods to ensure that I'm not overeating.

    I have a digital scale that I weigh food on. I find it especially helpful with fruits and nuts.

  • I've been using a measuring cup but that doesn't work well for weighted objects. Just bought a scale a couple days ago and started using it. Really helps to know EXACTLY what you are eating. I guessed some meat was about 6 oz , but after weighing it the meat turned out to be 4.25 oz.. Doesn't seem like much but almost 2 oz can be a big difference in calories -- both positive or negative. So I'm glad I bought the scale and have started using it.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I have always believe that after you loose a certain amount of weight, you plateau because your body is getting used to and adjusting to the new weight you have lost. It takes time for your body to catch up with the loss and after it has had time, you will start losing again. Vary your calories by a few hundred for a couple days during the week and keep exercising. Eventually you will start dropping again, don't get discouraged, I know, very hard not to do but stick with it anyway, your body will surprise you! Good luck.
    - Eat at least 5 times a day to keep metabolism going all the time.
    - Do NOT eat until full, instead eat SLOWLY until NOT hungry (after all - you will eat in 2.5 hrs anyway!)
    - Keep track of EVERYTHING and keep to 1200-1300 calories (never less than 1200 calories per day)
    - Work out on an empty stomach -- don't eat at least 2 hours before workout so it pulls fat reserves.
    - NEVER EAT ANYTHING AFTER 7 P.M. (your body will burn fat while you sleep and you feel it less)

    Been doing P90X and exercise using above strategy and I've lost 18 pounds from 163 to 145 since only 19 Nov 2010. Before now I always "skipped" meals, cheated and then skipped again to make up fo it. I would get stuck. This time I followed the P90X strategy above and it has been the EASIEST diet I've ever done -- even through Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday meals!!! Getting up early in the morning to work out on an empty stomach has been the hardest but it is really paying off.

    BTW - my son lost about 70 pounds on P90X with this strategy. Please try it and I believe you will see that it works. Send me a message if you have any questions.
  • matinga
    matinga Posts: 4 Member
    19lbs in one month??? That is shocking (at least in my world). I love your tips and plan to add them to my routine. I am afraid of trying something as rigorous as P90X because I know for a general fact that I could not maintain that level of exercise for a life time.
    Instead, I have stuck to manageable activities that don't hurt so much and make it easier to preserver. I call it my "me time" activities so for me walks, salsa dancing, wii runs, etc...have done wonders and have had better staying power. So exercising, for me, is no longer a daily punishment but a needed sanctuary.
    Thanx for the advice!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    thanks so much for all the advice everyone!! I really appreciate the input!!
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