This would be easier...



  • heirloomtomato
    heirloomtomato Posts: 13 Member
    Since the gym does not open early enough in the morning, go to gym after work and get up early and do chores in the morning. Problem solved.
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    just going to leave this here...

    "Instead of saying 'I don't have time' try saying 'it's not a priority' and see how that feels. Often, that's a perfectly adequate explanation. I have time to iron my sheets, I just don't want to. But other things are harder. Try it: "I'm not going to edit your resume sweetie, because it's not a priority" "I don't go to the doctor because my health is not a priority." If these phrases don't sit well, then that's the point. Changing our language reminds us that time is a choice. If we don't like how we're spending an hour, we can choose differently"

    you do gardening, washing and cleaning every day!?

    I'm totally onboard with this btw. It wasn't until I started admitting to myself last year that I actually COULD do things, I just CHOSE not to that my attitude started to turn. It was a big moment of clarity.
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    I dont think there is a motivation trick... at least not for me, i hate the gym, hate, hate, hate it, its just ... better thqan the alternative.

    I used to go to a gym that had free tanning, that was motivation, because I would tan after I worked out - but i doont have that anymore :-(

    Just start going - it will prob help with your energy / sleeping - and most likely after seeing some change, THAT will ne your new motivation to keep going!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    You make it a priority. You make all the other chores you do a priority, you simply add in gym time as one of them. You can likely find 30-45 minutes a few times a week. Get up earlier, go on weekends. Go immediately after work.
  • trswallow
    trswallow Posts: 116 Member
    Over the years I have used many strategies to make time to workout around work and other commitments.

    Biking to work - I used to do this all the time. However my main problem is that it is 17 to 25 miles (depending on which route I use) each direction, so after not riding during the winter I need to first find time for rides to get me back into shape for riding to work. I would leave the house between 6:30 & 7:15 and I would not sweat much because of the lower temperatures in the morning. I also would reduce my effort when I was a couple miles from work so that my core temperature would start coming down and the air flow could dry the sweat off of me. I always wore workout clothes and would change after I had some time to cool off so that I would not sweat up my work cloths. I would also recommend getting a rear pannier and pannier bag. Carrying my work clothes in a backpack caused my back to sweat enough that it would soak the back of my shirt and almost soak thru the backpack. It is easier to control your sweating when you have unobstructed airflow over your front and back.

    Go to gym during work - For most of the past nine months I have been going to the gym during the workday for 11 am Yoga or 12:15 cardio/HIIT classes. However this takes 1 1/2 to 2 hours out of my day and is only possible because I have flexible hours and can work late a couple days a week and I can eat my lunch at my desk while working to make up time.

    Go for a walk, run, bike ride, etc. during work–I perform the more strenuous workouts around mid afternoon so that by time I get back most of the people in the office have left for the day and don’t see how I look after a workout. I will usually work for 30 minutes or more with a fan blowing on me before I change back into my regular clothes.

    Go to the gym on the way home – A couple nights a week I go to the gym after work for either a Total Body or Bootcamp class. One problem with going after work is that a lot of other people might have the same idea. In my case the classes are not very full but the weight room usually feels packed.

    Exercise bike, walk, exercise videos (DVD, web, Cable On-Demand), workout apps at home – If all else fails get a short workout at home.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    You'll figure it out!

    Getting TO the gym is a hassle. Why not try something you can do at home? Workout DVDs? A recumbent bike? Neighborhood walks or runs?

    Don't give up. It's so worth it to feel fit and strong and healthy. It's even better than having a clean house! :wink:
  • bunnypanther
    I'm thinking if I change a few habits (its not all about eating!) like shopping once a week rather than randomly or popping in after the gym and going from work to gym and not home i may just crack it! (the random shopping is best way to get reduced meat n fish!) I think once I'm in, I'm in and its very hard to get back out again, sometimes even for fun stuff like seeing friends!!

    I'll be fine once I'm there, its just actually getting there!

    I did do DVDs but then my OH gave me a giant corner sofa and coffee table and i literally have no room in my house!! Its tiny!! He currently lives with parents an hour or sos drive away and is saving for a house (seems to be furnishing it in advance by buying me stuff) and i only see him at weekends. So there is no chance of me going to the gym at the weekends, there's more fun workouts to be had!!

    Since i do not have my things (and no way this girl is doing anything over a brisk walk without the right scaffolding!!) i WILL pop in home, get changed right away, not even go in the front room, and get right out to the gym.

    Now! To stick to the plan!! :D
  • keefmac
    keefmac Posts: 313 Member
    Cycle to work, I get a good workout everyday AND save money. Plus it's quicker.

    As has been said, I have 2 small children as well, and practically no spare time between them and work..
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm thinking if I change a few habits (its not all about eating!) like shopping once a week rather than randomly or popping in after the gym and going from work to gym and not home i may just crack it! (the random shopping is best way to get reduced meat n fish!) I think once I'm in, I'm in and its very hard to get back out again, sometimes even for fun stuff like seeing friends!!

    I'll be fine once I'm there, its just actually getting there!

    I did do DVDs but then my OH gave me a giant corner sofa and coffee table and i literally have no room in my house!! Its tiny!! He currently lives with parents an hour or sos drive away and is saving for a house (seems to be furnishing it in advance by buying me stuff) and i only see him at weekends. So there is no chance of me going to the gym at the weekends, there's more fun workouts to be had!!

    Since i do not have my things (and no way this girl is doing anything over a brisk walk without the right scaffolding!!) i WILL pop in home, get changed right away, not even go in the front room, and get right out to the gym.

    Now! To stick to the plan!! :D

    why not just take your gym kit with you to work? i work out at home because i'm the same, i would never go back out again once i got home!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Oh wow.. I thought I was the only one to daydream about being awfully rich with a large home gym, personal trainer and my very own personal chef. Yeah.. I have these thoughts sometimes, but then I wake up, have a bowl of soup I made 5 days ago, and strap on my training shoes.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    The best thing I did was invest in my own set up so I could train at home. I always found getting my butt out of the house and to the gym the hardest part. Training at home I find it much easier to fit in. And if work causes a disruption to my routine (e.g. late meetings, ad-hoc events, etc) then I can do 15 minutes here and there, which isn't ideal but it means it still gets done.

    When the gym was my only option, I made myself go first thing in the morning. It was a killer in the winter though.