
erica_turner88 Posts: 8
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
So I have fallen off eating better and exercising! I work at a tattoo shop generally from 4p-2a so i have a hard time getting a good meal in not to mention i am sleeping til about 12 pm the next day. So I was wondering if anyone would help me figure when to eat, what to eat, and when to exercise. It is also hard for dinners and what not because we do not have a fridge or microwave at the shop for me to cool or heat food and i am just about bummed on sandwiches. So I need some recipes too! help! lol


  • Are you able to take along a cooler or a thermos? - that will greatly expand your options.

    Check out this thread over at Ask Metafilter for ideas -

    Also the Japanese do packed food awesomely - have a look at this site for ideas: . Also, a post on losing weight while doing the bento thang:

    Cheers, Sophie
  • Ohhh, I'm kinda in a similar boat. I work insane hours and the traditional mealtime hours don't really apply to my life. I bought a mini cooler/lunchpail with a bunch of reusable icepacks. This serves as my portable fridge. And I'm like, the tupperware lady now. haha... I swear I wash more tupperware than I do real dishes.

    For me, I have to snack all day long. This helps stave off being crazy RAVENOUS and then just binging on whatever is nearby or ordering in highly caloric meals. I carry a lot of clementines since they peel SUPER easy and have no seeds. Grapes, cherries, apples, etc. I try to make things as easy and ready made as possible. Pre-cut apples and a mini tupperware of peanut butter. Pre-boiled steel cut oatmeal. Smoked Jalapeno Almonds, bc let's be honest, I'm not gonna eat plain ones. Pre-steamed corn on the cob. Pre-popped popcorn. Goldfish. 100 cal packs of pretty much whatever I want. It's really important for me to satisfy whatever cravings I might have. So I absolutely have sweets and 100 cal packs of chocolate yummies. 100 cal packs of whatever salty things that might sub for potato chips etc. Pre-boiled eggs (I don't eat the yolk). Activia light yogurts.

    It's taken me awhile to learn to be patient with my body. After I eat something, I force myself to wait. Otherwise, I could eat everything in my cooler in one sitting! But, if I go back to work and distract my brain, then reassess in even just 15-20 minutes, I find that I'm completely sated and don't want to snack on anything for another couple of hours.

    As for meals without a fridge or microwave, that's definitely a challenge. I happen to love eating cold food, I've been that way since I was a little girl. So I can totally dine on cold pasta, cold indian food, cold tacos. LOL... I'm a little weird that way. :) I've recently made variations of "sandwiches". My own homemade egg sandwiches (I pack all the individual ingredients separately and then assemble together when I'm ready to eat them. I use A LOT of ziplock bags. LOL...) English Muffin + Hummus + Mustard + Turkey Slices (lettuce, etc optional). I love the salad kits at the grocery store. Convenience is key for me. I spend a little more money to buy things prepackaged bc I'm really just too lazy to make my own salads. Until I get to that point where I will actually cut up my own lettuce and tomatoes and cucumbers etc... I have to be realistic and know my own habits. :) That head of lettuce I bought will just sit there until its wilted and inedible otherwise.

    Good luck. I can't wait to keep up with your journey!
  • ljbouse
    ljbouse Posts: 129
    there are most definately foods out there that are great cold. fo me i can actually eat boiled potatoes with a dash or 2 of red pepper cold. i have found the the majority of vegetables tast just as good cold as they do warmed up. you could also roast a turkey breast of brown some chicken breast on the weekend and save it for your meals thru the week. i enjoy both of these cold as well. coolers and cold packs are great for keeping food cold.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I was in the same boat when I was a bartender. It is hard to find ANY energy when I am working untill 2 am, coleaning untill 3, and get home around 4 am.

    I would maybe suggest setting your alarm for 11:oo am the next day, small am snack, then try your work out. Eat a good balanced can do wraps with veggies, or sandwhiches, chicken, etc, then bring a smaller dinner with you?
  • Hey! The cold pack would definitely help. I have the same problem when we are at school. I usually just eat sandwiches but it does get boring. lol You could do a salad and keep everything separated so it doesn't go bad. Can someone bring you food? I don't know which shop you work at but is there any place near by where you can grab something or get it delivered? Jason's Deli does, they have like lunchbox kits. As for the exercising, are you taking aerobics again with us? If not I used the Denise Austin DVD's and she has one that that is 12 minute workouts called Daily Dozen. She also has one with dance workouts.
    Hope this helps.
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