Trying to refocus

A year or so ago I lost a lot of weight, since then I've been going back and forth up and down. Lack of self discipline, support, and over all motivation have led to me to kind of a stand off with my weight...I gain a couple pounds I lose a I was motivated by a friend to start tracking my food again - I prefer weight watchers but I simply don't have the funds to afford it. I'd love to have some sort of network on here, people to keep my accountable! Feel free to chat or add me :)


  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    I'm in the same boat. My problem seems to occur on weekends. Trying to get back in the losing mode since I failed at maintenance. Feel free to send me a FR. :wink:
  • casiemm
    casiemm Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome! I think you'll like MFP as much as WW. It's actually easier to log food, especially with the barcode reader. Good luck, and I'm happy to join your support network.
  • blm2894
    blm2894 Posts: 8 Member
    Casiemm, WW has that too on their app..right now I just need to focus on realizing what I put in my mouth! If I can do that then I can figure out what works and what doesnt! Thanks for adding me :)