4th time around

I am not new to myfitnesspal, but I am new to the boards. I started my journey in 2009 when I found myself at 184 lbs. Until 1999, they year after I turned 32, I was never more than 135 lbs and a size 10. I quit smoking that year and over the next 10 years I gained 50 lbs and was a size 16. (I am 5'4") I wasn't comfortable and I felt bad all the time. With a 2 year old grandson and more on the way, I wanted to loose weight.

I tried NutriSystem and lost 30 lbs in 3 months! I was estatic and back into all my old size 10 clothes (my body shape had to have changed.. because I was only down to 154 and clothes that fit at 134 fit again. I was happy with that weight and I felt great, but I was tired of the NutirSystem food and I wasn't excersizing so by 2011 I gained it all back.. and then some... By August 2011 I was 194 lbs.

Around this time I met a woman who had lost 100 lbs on the HCG Hormone diet... which also includes a 500 calorie a day diet. I think it was the lack of calories and not the HCG that drops those lbs. This time I lost 20 lbs in 6 weeks... dangerous, I know. And I was starving, so again I gave up.

Again, by December 2012, I was back up to 194 lbs. So my resolution for 2013 was to get back down to 154, this time trying to lose 40 lbs. and do it a healthier way. I was hoping to lose the 40 lbs. in time for my son's wedding in October. This time I tried WeightWatchers and I started using myfitnesspal and tracking every point and calorie. I started in January and by July I was down to 167 lbs. and 27 lbs lost. I kept with WeightWatchers but never lost another pound. I stayed with WW and at 167 lbs until the day after my sons wedding when I decided, "that's it, I'm done, I don't care is I'm overweight"! "I'm tired of counting, and pointing, and starving!

I also have to preface all this with I have hypothyroidism and take Synthroid and I suffer from Major Depression which is managed with anti-depressants.

After getting back up to 194 lbs since my son's wedding last October, I decided to give it one more go, I don't have any clothes that fit and I refuse to buy more and I have chronic acid reflect that is making it hurt to even swallow some foods. Plus I'm hot, sweaty and out of breathe all the time. I want to feel better.

September 1, 2014 I signed up with a personal trainer 2 days a week for weight training (Tues. & Thur.), plus Mon., Wed., and Friday I do 45 minutes on the treadmill or 30 minutes on the elliptical for a minimum burn of 350 calories. I have also reduced my caloric intake to 1200-1300 calories a day. My first week, I lost 4 lbs., my second week, I gained 4 lbs. For a total wash. Now into my 3rd week, I am down a total of 3 lbs to 191 and holding. I am no longer sore and beginning to feel better, I guess I am used to the quick diets, but determined to stick with it this time, however, if my measurements haven't gone down at my next weigh-in and a week and a half, I will be completely discouraged.
