Greetings one and all

I have been a member of MFP since January 2013. Like many of us, that was one of my false starts on getting healthy. I had some other issues (like most of us do) but I have since gotten (most of) those straightened out.

When I first logged onto MFP back in January 2013, I weighed 290 pounds. At my heaviest, I have weighed 332lbs. As a little perspective, I am 6 foot tall with a medium-large bone structure, and when I was at my fittest, I was about 10-12% body fat and weighed 174lbs (I was active duty military). I have lost 28lbs since January 2013, but to be fair, 20lbs was lost because I moved from Washington State to Arizona (it is hot in AZ and have just dropped 20lbs over 1 year). Since I have started keeping track with this new cycle (about 3 weeks now), I have lost 8lbs.

Normally I am not a poster on message boards, I usually just lurk. I have decided to be a part of this community and actively give my options and to post my thoughts. I am hoping that by doing so I will be more engaged in my fitness goals instead of just number crunching.

So, hello to everyone and good luck on achieving your goals.