Dropping pounds but not sizes

I have dropped 29 pounds which is a bit over 10% of my starting weight. I feel like I look slimmer and have had a handful of people comment on it. I have a few items of clothing that are a bit baggier and some that had been too tight fit better, but am still wearing jeans from when I started losing. I feel like my clothes should be baggier by now and feel a bit discouraged by it. Anyone else go through this? I know I am still losing weight and feel healthier and stronger, but the psychological factor is getting to me! I want that satisfaction of ditching a pair of jeans that has gotten too baggy!


  • jal92475
    jal92475 Posts: 53 Member
    I know last year I started to lose weight and was down by 20 lbs and not much of a size difference. I'm not sure when the size difference kicks in but I can't wait to get there. Good luck, just keep at it and it will happen. 29 pounds gone is just awesome!
  • DanieRCC
    DanieRCC Posts: 332 Member
    Have you been tracking your inches as well as your lbs. lost? This will show you a bigger picture of your weight loss. I had the same problem and found out that I was probably squeezing into incorrect sizes when I started loosing so it took awhile to actually drop a dress size.
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Dont get discouraged its all based on the individual I myself have only dropped 4-6 pants sizes but I do look a ton better reason for this was weight was more accumulated in other areas of my body and it may be the same for you everyones body is different some people store the most fat in their stomach some in their legs ect ect dont let it get to you just keep on losing and youll be fine
  • jessakittyis
    jessakittyis Posts: 159 Member
    I've gone down 30 lb and went jean shopping about 2 weeks ago. I only went from a size 32 to a 31 or 30 (European sizing? I'm a girl but that's just how the pants I buy are sized). I was a little shocked that it was not a more dramatic difference. But it's not really pants or clothing size that matters. If you feel better and can see a difference in your body that's what counts. Not to mention every stores clothes/ sizes fit differently.
  • slucki01
    slucki01 Posts: 284 Member
    For me, it takes about 25 pounds before I really notice. When I started all my clothes were a bit too snug so the first big of weight lost just got me to having clothes fit properly. Now, at 20 lbs lost, I'm just starting to notice a few items being a bit baggy in the butt. Only one person who has commented that I look like I'm losing weight but I haven't really made a big deal about the fact that I'm trying to lose weight so I don't think many people are watching for a change. I'm expecting that clothes will start feeling baggy in another 10 lbs
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    Have you been tracking your inches as well as your lbs. lost? This will show you a bigger picture of your weight loss. I had the same problem and found out that I was probably squeezing into incorrect sizes when I started loosing so it took awhile to actually drop a dress size.


    People often don't realize just how badly they fit into their clothes prior to losing weight. There is often some period of time spent in denial that a larger size was actually needed before they decided to lose weight.

    As a result, it's not unusual to take significant amounts of weight loss before they can truly fit into a smaller size if they started out at a much larger size than average.
  • I've lost 28lbs and am also still in the same size clothes. Definitely way baggier but still can't get comfortably in the next size down despite being able to see changes in my shape. I wonder if it is where you carry the weight? I've got skinny pins now and my trouser legs are flapping in the wind, but my stomach isn't budging as fast.
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    My clothes were super tight when I started. I didn't have baggy pants until recently. 85# down and I can finally ditch my huge pants. I'm pear shaped. I can wear a large shirt in my bust but by the time I get to my hips it's 2 sizes bigger. Don't be frustrated, it just takes time! Have a little faith and be proud of that 29#!!! You go girl!
  • happymommy321
    happymommy321 Posts: 60 Member
    I have been tracking inches, but the past month I haven't dropped any inches at all even though I feel I visibly look tighter, so I am wondering if I am not doing it right or something, lol.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    I don't know what size you wear currently, but as the sizes go up in the USA, so do the pounds between them. In the smaller sizes, there may only be a 5 lb difference between one size and the next, but when up in the other range, there are many more pounds between sizes.
  • unhgoose
    unhgoose Posts: 122 Member
    I don't know if this is true for you but when I first started my weight loss years ago I was close to 200 lbs and was squeezing into clothes and sizes that were too small because I didn't want to admit to myself that I could actually need a size 16 (or even 18). So when I started losing weight I didn't get to automatically go down in sizes...I just actually fit better and more appropriately into the sizes I had been buying.

    I've heard that every 10 lbs or so you go down a size but I think that would vary wildly based on your body type.
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    I'm still wearing the same jeans as when I started but I realized they were just incredibly tight before. But I have gone down in all my dresses because those are harder to squeeze into. Once it starts changing it changes fast.
  • KelseyBee2014
    KelseyBee2014 Posts: 188 Member
    I believe a lot of it has to do with your starting weight. If you started at 150 and lose 20 pounds, you're gonna see a big change. If you start at 300 and lose 20 pounds, you probably won't see a difference at all. If you are a size 26 (US) it would probably take upwards to 40 pounds before you might go down a size. I don't know your starting weight, but that might have something to do with it.
  • bradsbaby1996
    bradsbaby1996 Posts: 154 Member
    Also, for me anyway, I lost all over! Literally 3 sizes down in my fingers (10-7) and 1 1/2 in my foot (10 1/2 - 9)... so the weight definitely comes from everywhere! Keep working hard and you will see great results!
  • this happened to me too! it will eventually reflect in your clothing sizes. keep working hard!!!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I don't know what size you wear currently, but as the sizes go up in the USA, so do the pounds between them. In the smaller sizes, there may only be a 5 lb difference between one size and the next, but when up in the other range, there are many more pounds between sizes.

    I think this has something to do with it, as well as just how your body carries the weight. When I first started losing, it mostly came off my top half so my shirts started getting loose before my pants did. It was also a matter of just going with what I thought still fit. It finally took a co-worker telling me that my jeans were way too baggy on me to finally go and try a different size. Plus, as you've admitted, some stuff was a bit snug at first so it's going to take a little longer to actually go down a size.

    Keep with it OP!!
  • happymommy321
    happymommy321 Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you for all your responses. I think you are dead right- my clothes were probably too tight before I started. I hadn't considered that enough.
  • bcovely
    bcovely Posts: 57 Member
    My first 20 pounds, my clothes were fitting better (and I was wondering the same thing as you). The next 25 is when I finally went down 2 pants size. Don't worry just keep up the great work!!
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    The most likely scenarios:

    1. The fat you're losing isn't coming from your stomach, so your waistline isn't shrinking at all or just not enough.

    2. Your clothes may already have been too small. If you're muffin-topping in your pants, your pants are too small (that's what creates the muffin top), so it's going to be more time before you're truly at that pants size, and then more time before you're below it.
  • I am 68 pounds down and am finally needing to by a smaller size. I think part of what happens is that clothes are all sized differently among different brands. I also think part of it is wearing the same clothes when we put on more weight slowly stretches the clothes into a bigger size. Keep working at it before you know it you will be shopping! :)