Pullup progression

So I've been overweight for awhile and now is one of the few times I'd consider myself at a healthy weight currently 6'2 213lbs from a previous 308lbs and pull ups have always been one of those crazy daunting things that I always told myself I could never do and I couldn't do chin ups either for that matter. So I have had a door frame pull up bar for awhile and I got home feeling good and decided screw it lets try and to my surprise I got a solid 10 chin ups in from a previous 0 but still cant do a single pull up. Kind of a weird goal but now that I've put myself up there I'd love to learn and build up to doing pull ups but have no idea how to get to that point. Any advice or other exercises that would help me is much appreciated


  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    try let downs and arm hangs first. i was doing aerials for a while and the pull ups were the only solid part of my game there. every time i would walk under the pull up bar in my kitchen door, i'd do a pull up and hang as long as i could, then let it go slow. then do another if i thought i could. some days i'd get two or three in a row. some days, i'd struggle for one. push ups are also helpful.

    but just really working the pull up bar was the best way for me. i need to get back to do that.... thanks for the nudge. ;)

    also handstands and headstands. i forgot those.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    The doorframe thingies are the best ever. Just try to do one every time you pass that door and you'll soon nail it. Congrats on the 10 chin-ups - I'm only up to 2 but they're weighted now (5lbs :laugh: )
  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    The negatives are definitely great. Also set something up under the bar so that, when standing on it, you can hold onto the bars and your knees are bent when your arms are straight over your head. Use that bend in your knees to do a jumping pull-up. The higher the box under the bar, the bigger jump you'll get. Try to jump and then hold yourself at the top of pull-up position, repeat. Gradually lower the box you're jumping from, etc.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    that's a huge disparity between chins & pull ups. I'm almost tending to think you have the strength, just for some reason aren't making the mental connection with an overhand grip. Doing a few negatives as slow as you can should make that happen.