Hello! Starting again.

Hi, so I've been on here before but fell off the wagon and can use some support to get to my goal! Feel free to add me and hope to stick with it this time and not succumb to the temptation of fast foods. Any help can be appreciated!


  • prayersinchairs
    prayersinchairs Posts: 35 Member
    I know how that goes.
    I've lost about 40 pounds my freshman year of college.
    I kept it off, then slowly started gaining again.
    I just moved back to my home town and gay about 35 pounds in 7 months.
    I cannot fall off again.
  • fruitystix
    fruitystix Posts: 35 Member
    Hi! all the way from NZ. Starting again here too. Let's not fall off again. 50 pounds to lose here. Tired of being shocked by mirrors lugging this fat suit around
  • fruitystix
    fruitystix Posts: 35 Member
    *shocked by mirrors AND lugging this fat-suit around!

    (you know what I mean)
  • hrayala
    hrayala Posts: 73 Member
    I'm right there with you! I think I originally started MFP in (ugh, I'm embarrassed to admit) 2011. I desperately need to stick with it this time before more weight creeps on. Good luck to you!!
  • rmreye14
    rmreye14 Posts: 2 Member
    First day in two months that I log on, and I haven't entered any food or exercise entries because my diet has been horrible today and I didn't go to the gym. I'm looking to lose some serious weight since I have struggled all my life with my weight and finally reached a healthy weight of about 130 pounds (for a five foot tall girl) in sophomore year through the beginning of senior year in college. I was put on antidepressants and before I knew it the weight I had worked so hard to lose came back with a vengeance. I'm out of college and may want to start a family soon so this extra weight needs to come off before any baby weight comes into the equation!
  • bcrofts001
    bcrofts001 Posts: 18 Member
    We all need to put our heads together and figure out some better sides to this wagon!!! I've fallen off a few times and the bruises keep getting bigger. I'm back on now and have been holding on tight for the last 4 days. Maybe we can help each other stay on!!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome back, we are here to help

    I'm Cracking Up at better sides to the wagon. Especially since I took a picture of me 'falling off' a wagon at the cider mill this weekend to use on facebook to say "I feel off over the summer but I'm getting back on"

    Darn Wagons!!!!!

    I'm back on the 21 Day Fix and P90X3 Next week. What are your plans???
  • YamieW
    Yes. I have 20kg to lose. Let's never ever start over again. I've been starting over for about 4 years,quite embarrassing and shows no self discipline.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member

    You guys are actually awesome. It's not about how many times you fall, it's about how many times you get back up again. And look at you all, getting back up. = AWESOME.

    I've been on MFP for a couple years now and I've stuck with it, follied, got back on it, gotten pregnant, and now I'm back. Ready to kick butt!!

    Let's be anninspiration to each other! Feel free to add me as a friend :)