Need some more running friends!

Hi. Friends are slowly diminishing as year goes on.

I like to run. (when I am not injured) Long story short, I am coming off an injury. My goal last year this time was to run an ENTIRE half marathon. I unfortunately got hip bursitis and sidelined. My goal continues. So far I have done 3 half marathons with a 4th in 2 weeks (walking d/t hip). I am on the mend though and I would like more support.

A little about me: 39, single mom of one (beautiful) daughter. I start grad school next Monday! (I am a bit intimidated about the time management thing). I also work a full-time job.

I occasionally forget to log on days I work 12 hour shifts but for the most part I log in every day.

Please feel free to add me: young, old, fit, fat, somewhere in between, it doesn't matter! : )


  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    Hey there! I'm a runner(ish - I go through phases, partly because I live at 7200 feet so winter running isn't that fun). I'm doing a half marathon on Sunday, my 7th I believe. I'll add you. Sorry to hear about your hip but good for you for still planning to walk it!
  • Runner currently training for a half marathon on Oct 26th. Open diary, log daily. Feel free to add.
  • beatnik236
    beatnik236 Posts: 120 Member
  • Nitrox_11
    Nitrox_11 Posts: 5 Member
    Runner here! Training for 3 half marathons right now. Oct 25th, Dec 14th and January 25th. Possibly training for a full early next year. Running partner and I are still seeing if we can fit it into our training and still taper for the half's.

    Also working on hopefully doing the Ironman 70.3 Austin next year. My swimming needs some work :) Feel free to add me.
  • Running friends are always a great thing! I'm 32, have been running for about 5 years, but always struggle with my weight (living proof that exercise alone won't keep you thin!) - this year started on triathlons - I've done a few sprint distances and have my first olympic distance in about a week and a half (eek!!). I always struggle with the line between eating enough to perform, yet little enough to slim down. My pattern is usually two steps forward and one step back.

    Will add you - and anyone else interested in an active lifestyle, feel free to add me, as well!

  • mcarhodes
    mcarhodes Posts: 23 Member
    fellow runner here as well. Haven't been logging on MFP for very long, but have done 2 half marathons, have another October 18th, a 10K November 9th and then another half on Nov 22. Going to be a busy couple months.

    Anyone feel free to add me
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    I am training for a 1/2 marathon, using Nike + app coach... run about 3 miles a day with a 20-25 mile a week average and logging. Also trying to loose weight (again)
    Hope all runners will add me.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    I am not a runner yet, but I am doing c25k planning to to run 5k on Nov 2nd! Feel free to join me :)
  • awesomedjmcvey
    awesomedjmcvey Posts: 50 Member
    Just started running. I am on here and Map my run. I have done the Louisville Triple crown twice and had a patella ligament that was damaged in between. Losing weight and now training to run the triple crown and do my first full marathon next year hopefully at goal weight.

    Feel free to add as friend.
  • I'm up for it we are in a similar situation. You will have to add me as I havent a clue how that works
  • djess050
    djess050 Posts: 66 Member
    Im a runner too! I have done a 1/2 marathon like 2 years ago. Right now im training for a 10k then hopefully do another 1/2 again! Add me if you like! I definitely need more running friends.
  • Runcakes
    Runcakes Posts: 92 Member
    Yay running! I have my first half next weekend and I'm super excited.
  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    I just started to run again after a long long loooooong hiatus. My idealistic goal is to run the Chicago marathon in 2015, my realistic goal is to at least run a couple of 10Ks next year. Anyone feel free to add me. Always looking for fellow runners to share tips.
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member