Milk/almond milk

Okay people I was wondering if there is anyway I could drink more milk in my "diet". I am a big milk drinker and its makes me more full faster, I just bought some almond milk and its great. Do you think it would be healthy to sub a milk for a meal, since are a lilttle more cals in dairy?


  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    i probably wouldnt drink it solo, i'd add a powder like muscle milk or carnation instant breakfast to it..thats usually what i do..i have slimfast powder as well and make my own shakes (although you're adding more calories)
  • dustiemorris
    thats an idea! where do I get that from?
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    I always stick with skim milk.. yeah yeah people always say... oh thats nasty.. but you know what? once you start drinking tastes soooo good and you don't want to go back to 2% ..nothing but FAT in that milk. I drink a full glass everynight before has "good calories" in it for you =) lots and lots of calcium and alot of women lack the right amount everyday.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Actually, to get your RDA for calcium and vitamin D, you should drink 4 glasses of milk a day, because milk is the best dietary source of those things. I recommend skim milk if you can drink it. Personally, I thought it was watery when I first started drinking it but now, years later, I can't drink whole milk without gagging because it tastes like cream to me from all the fat. It takes a while to get use to it though, for some people. But there is absolutely no reason why you can't drink milk with every meal if thats what you want unless you are lactose intolerant. Even then you can take some Lactase and still drink it. :laugh: