The idea of Cheat Days doesn't make sense...



  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    it doesn't make sense to me, either.

    i try to eat foods i love every day, including sees chocolate and potato chips. that way i never feel deprived. that being said, yesterday i had a "treat" meal. afterward i skipped a meal, which was easy since i didn't get hungry for much longer than usual due to the extra calories, ate light one more meal and voila! stayed within my daily calorie goal even though i had the muffin and 1/2 cup of sugar free chocolate mousse.
    OK, we're not just here to lose weight, we want to keep it off, right? This is a lifestyle change, right?

    Then how does the idea of a "Cheat Day" fit in?

    Don't all my days eventually show up on or off my thighs?
  • NoMoreBlameGame
    NoMoreBlameGame Posts: 236 Member
    I had a pop tart yesterday. I had a Snickers bar on 9/9. Are they the healthiest of choices? Hell NO...but I didn't overindulge. I don't call them "cheats"...I call them food. Could I have chosen carrot sticks instead? Yup, I could have...but I didn't want carrot sticks so that's not what I ate. I usually have something "snacky" like that twice a month...but I factor it into my log.

    Bottom line: if it doesn't fit within my calorie allotment, it doesn't get eaten.
  • Rlavigne93
    Rlavigne93 Posts: 119 Member
    Some people find it easier to make healthy choices day to day if they know they aren't depriving themselves of junk food forever. I can see how it'd help people mentally. Most people here are on a deficit. If they eat just 100 calories under maintenance every day, then one day a month they could eat a whopping 3000 calories OVER maintenance and still not gain any weight overall that month. The next day they'd probably feel terrible, but it wouldn't do any harm in the long run.

    Personally, I've yet to have any days near that since logging. I've had a few bad days, but I think of them as cheat days and allow myself about one a month without feeling to guilty. Also, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my birthday I've decided to eat whatever the hell I want. I'll still keep track and log it later though.

    TL;DR It's a mental thing that some people find helpful, or rationalization of rare bad eating behavior.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I have a 'treat' day once a week where I usually have a slice of homemade cake and remain within calories for that day. Sure, I could do that every day, I sure exercise enough, but to me eating cake/biscuits/crisps etc every day isn't healthy or necessary.

    On occasions like my birthday and xmas day I might go over calories and not log at all, but I don't think 3 or 4 days like that a year would do me any harm.
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    I think the idea of a cheat day is just there so you don't feel as bad if you fall off the wagon one day. I always tell myself, "one day of crappy eating will hurt me as much as one day of healthy eating will help me."

    I try to focus on my overall caloric intake and end every week with a deficit. When I was first starting out (January of this year) I needed that cheat day to keep going, but as I am losing and feeling better every day I don't think about it as much. I also realize how bad I feel the day after a cheat day and it makes me not need it as much.

    Weight loss is such a mind game!

    Amen. It took me 37 yrs to realize what you just said.
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    I don't consider it cheating at all, but for special and social events, twice a month or so, I have been relaxing my calorie goals and feeling completely okay with going over. I think of it like this - I'm eating like my thin friends. They are careful on a day to day basis, make good choices as far as calories and activities go, and then worry less when they are at a special or social event - while still making decent choices and not gorging on every last possible bite of brie. I try to get more activity in during those events (or weekends) as well.

    Interestingly, my biggest losses have come the week following my indulgent "flexi" weekends.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I am not the most clean eater, but I make certain that if I am going to eat that cookie or other that it fits into my MFP calorie goal, and I have been successful with that. Some days I go over a little on my goal but most days I stay under. As far as cheat days, I don't need them, because I typically cheat every day.

    I just do portion control, and don't eliminate foods I am accustomed to eating and ones I like.

    Calories in versus calories out.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    I don't understand the whole "depriving yourself" mindset. I mean ... at all. What exactly are you depriving yourself of? You are rewarding yourself by NOT eating it.

    I think the key for me has been to stop seeing rubbish food as a "reward". It's like rewarding yourself for giving up smoking by having a hit of meth.

    Every day I don't eat poorly is a day I'm thankful for, a day where I feel good, and know I've done well for my health.

    Once you realise that food is a fuel, not a hobby, once you've broken that emotional connection to food (I've been good I'm going to have some oreos as a reward), you will no longer feel the need to "cheat".

    I can honestly say I look at a big mac, or a piece of cake, or a can of Coke and go "yuck" when I think about what's in it, how it will make me feel etc. I don't even see these things as food anymore.
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    If you wanna waste hours or days of your life weighed down by guilt and anxiety and worry for "indulging" that's on you. My life is too short to waste that time, time I will/would spend with my children, who are growing up too damn fast if you ask me. So no, I don't "cheat" because that insinuates I'm doing/did something wrong. That being said, I indulge, I don't fricken gorge. I eat the entire piece of Tiramisu, not the whole damn cake.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    OK, we're not just here to lose weight, we want to keep it off, right? This is a lifestyle change, right?

    Then how does the idea of a "Cheat Day" fit in?

    Don't all my days eventually show up on or off my thighs?

    So are you saying you're going to eat perfectly for the rest of your life? Pretty much everyone has special occasions that come up where we would like to eat more calories than usual. It's good to learn how to handle those occasions without going crazy. And no, one day off will not show up on your thighs. It's what you do the majority of the time that matters.

    I do not consider special occasions, for which I have planned, as "cheat" days. I live my life intentionally and with purpose. That is not cheating.
  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    OK, we're not just here to lose weight, we want to keep it off, right? This is a lifestyle change, right?

    Then how does the idea of a "Cheat Day" fit in?

    Don't all my days eventually show up on or off my thighs?

    So are you saying you're going to eat perfectly for the rest of your life? Pretty much everyone has special occasions that come up where we would like to eat more calories than usual. It's good to learn how to handle those occasions without going crazy. And no, one day off will not show up on your thighs. It's what you do the majority of the time that matters.

    I do not consider special occasions, for which I have planned, as "cheat" days. I live my life intentionally and with purpose. That is not cheating.

    <In the kitchen...>
    Honey... stop........ throwing.. plates
    Yes, I did. But it wasn't cheating!! It was a special occasion!! Which I PLANNED for!!
    <End Scene>

    I love language. :)
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I don't believe in "cheat" days or calling it "cheating" to eat certain foods, period. I can choose to eat anything I want, any time I want. To label a food choice as a "cheat" is to attach negativity to the consumption of it and the suggestion of wrong doing as though it's not fully within my rights to decide what I want to eat and when I want to eat it. the whole concept seems to lend itself to the building of a bad relationship with food. so doesn't make any sense to me either.
  • mandimahoney5
    I am thinking of cheat days as holidays. I know i wont be totally perfect when thanksgiving comes around, but i think it will be worth it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Don't care what you call them, but some days I just need to let it out and eat more. And yeah, I have no problem with calling that 'cheating'.... because I go over my calories those days by a lot... even if I work it off and eat less the next week to make up for it. I don't count any food as cheating though... because there are no bad foods... but the amount of food can be cheating.

    It's a lifetime change and some days will involve eating more than usual, there's no way around it.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Okay, OP, that's dandy. Best of luck with your no cheat days approach, and please do make sure to come back here in 12 months with your perfect diary and show us how it's done.
  • JSE81
    JSE81 Posts: 114 Member
    I dont see the need for a cheat day either. I will go over some days but they are not planned. There's no right or wrong way, just what you're comfortable with and works for you.
  • fit4eva86
    fit4eva86 Posts: 71 Member
    I was told once by a dietician that a cheat day is good as our bodys get used to what we eat and weight loss and changes start to slow down, we start to feel deprived and then the cravings kick in, think of a cheat meal like your putting fuel on the fire, just don't go crazy and you'll still see results whilst having a treat.
  • leomcdee
    leomcdee Posts: 60 Member
    I don't cheat and I don't have any 'guilty pleasures' both those terms imply I'm doing something wrong. Instead, I eat whatever the hell I want, every damn day, as long as it fits my calories. Some days are healthier than others but I always find room for chocolate or cake ;)