Getting started with disappointing results



  • nikjackson18
    Wow, only 7lbs since February! If your weightloss is that slow after excising and whatnot, would it be worth a quick visit to your doctor to make sure there are no underlying problems.

    Keep up the good work, diet and exercise wise but if I had only shifted half a stone in 7 months I would see my GP. I'm not surprised that you are disappointed.
  • alligatorrawr
    alligatorrawr Posts: 144 Member
    drink more water!! you need to flush out :) also you are getting older so it's not as easy as it was! I totally understand because 3 years ago I lost 30 pounds in a month. this time around it's taking me over 2 weeks to lose 7. also, I have found that if i am excersising more and not losing anything sometimes I am not eating enough! I'll have an extra snack and be good to go :) good luck!!