Starting over looking for new friends/support.

Hello, last year I was able to drop 30 pounds. I felt then I had in years. I really haven't been watching myself over the past year and unfortunately gained 14 back... 

Decided to finish what I started and I'm looking for a few new friends that can help with support and who may also be starting over to finish their journey. 

I just started back today with MFP and with cardio excercise. Add me if you'd like...


  • bb_lose_weight
    bb_lose_weight Posts: 103 Member
    Welcome back feel free to add me!! I am back as well I dropped 30 about 1.5 years ago but then gained 40 when I stopped using MFP and thought I had it all under control.
    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
    Lets stay motivated! Add me .
  • New here would like friends to encourage me on this journey! Sad n lonely but I got this!