New start (again!)

hey every one. I have a goal right now to lose 10kg. On June I was 43kg. I had been an anorexic person for almost a year. Them it suddenly turned out to bulimia and just because my metabolism was low I gained weigh too easy. I used to spent my whole day at the gym, I had reached a level of 9% fat and the rest of my body was muscles (oh and bones ) Now I am trying to keep a balance during my meals because I can not control the amounts of food i consume . It really feels seek and I have already been seeing a nutritionist but nothing really helped. Once I tried to take some fat burning pills , but trust me they do not work. I do one or two meals per day but I eat everything by then. Though this is not a healthy way to control your weight. So I will try , using this app to count everything (even though I know how many calories there are even in a gum ) because I think that I m just three of thinking what to eat and what if it's too fatty etc. So let me know if someone here has been in this situation and how he/she got over it