How do you log?



  • in_lieu_of
    in_lieu_of Posts: 33 Member
    My husband calls me "cute" because last night he told me about a place he was taking me to dinner on Friday night, and I already went through their menu and logged what I was going to have, including dessert. Like Max, I tend to do pre-evening prep when making the kid lunches for school the next day so I know what is available and what to "avoid" if I'm feeling weak self-control wise
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I pre-log the night before or in the morning after breakfast, but focus mainly on protein, fiber and fat when I pre-log. I use the generic database entries, so I'll log a "medium apple" etc, but when I actually put my meals together I adjust that for the real weight of what I'm eating and make minor adjustments as I go.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have gotten into the habit of eating roughly the same number of calories for each meal, each day.

    For example...I don't really snack, so that's out. I find a small breakfast totally satisfying, so most of my breakfasts through the week are roughly 200 cal. Lunch is usually around 500 because if I eat a 350-400 cal lunch I feel cranky and super hungry by the time I get off work. This leaves me around 700 for dinner, so I have a higher calorie meal or a treat/dessert along with my meal.

    For me this works out really well and has made it pretty easy.

    When I have something special going on, like a dinner out, I still have 200 breakfast and maybe scale back to 400 at lunch...leaves me with 800-ish calories, a bit more if I fit in a long walk or an hour of serious cleaning.

    On weekends I get in enough exercise that I am comfortable eating back some or many of those calories and don't really have to worry much about it. I still log everything though!!
  • kefryar
    kefryar Posts: 77 Member
    I try to pre log my exercise and food for the entire week. That does require me to plan my meals, which is a good thing. On sunday my husband and I go to the store and buy what we need for all our meals, then i log it all. Some days I get off track, but mostly it helps me stay accountable.
  • literaturelover25
    Thank you for all the replies. logged today's meal last night and have made slight adjustments here and there throughout the day based on time and hunger. so far so good.