Worked out four hours today



  • JoyeII
    JoyeII Posts: 240 Member
    Was this a one time, fluke thing or, do you plan to do this on a regular basis?
  • sweetnessnc
    sweetnessnc Posts: 27 Member
    I think that working out for four hours is crazy. Why is that necessary or even desirable?

    I'm just curious....why is it crazy?? I have never heard ANYONE say that exercising for any length of time is crazy. But I would love to hear your expert opinion. Sounds like you have it all together. So...tell me...what's your expert advice on losing weight and how much one should and should not execercise?

    I don't work out four hours every day. I did four hours because all I did was walking outside and walking up and down my stairs in the house. I didn't do them all at the same time either. I just figured if I did more I would lose more. No weight lifting or anything like that. So is that ok?

    depends on what you did for 4 hours. did you play tennis? swim? lift weights? run? all of the above? I think it depends on what you actually did for 4 hours.

    also, I never eat back my calories. I know that is a huge debate on here. personally I don't think you could possibly eat back all your calories if you work-out 4 hours per day.
  • sweetnessnc
    sweetnessnc Posts: 27 Member
    Was this a one time, fluke thing or, do you plan to do this on a regular basis?

    It was a one time thing. Every now and then, I may do three hours, but most of the time when I'm just walking or doing the stairs it's two hours...but not all consective. I have to do this because I work two jobs and I work at night so I just get it in when I can because I do not have time to go to the gym. I'm going to buy me some weights...that's another reason why I walk so much. I only have the stretch bands to do my strength training.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Edit because Math fail

  • sweetnessnc
    sweetnessnc Posts: 27 Member

    Uh, don't you have a job? How the hell did you find 4 hours in your day to work out? That's about 6 calories per minute. What exactly were you doing during this excessively long workout?

    I'm just going to ignore the fact that you are calling me a liar without knowing all the facts. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not and yes mam, I do have a job...please, like I owe you a explanation. Keep it moving please and thank you!
  • sweetnessnc
    sweetnessnc Posts: 27 Member
    I think that working out for four hours is crazy. Why is that necessary or even desirable?

    I'm just curious....why is it crazy?? I have never heard ANYONE say that exercising for any length of time is crazy. But I would love to hear your expert opinion. Sounds like you have it all together. So...tell me...what's your expert advice on losing weight and how much one should and should not execercise?

    ...Actually, there have been studies about exercising too much. It can lead to Exercise Bulimia, which is just as much of a disorder as any eating disorder. It can also lead to injuries and dehydration (and I've actually been hospitalized from this from over exercising).

    That being said, I have played many tennis matches that are four hours and my first half marathon took me 3 and a half. I also hike for hours on weekends frequently. No one is judging, but if you are getting that defensive, you might need to ask yourself why.

    And I don't eat back all my calories, but I do try to stay around the 2,000 limit if I worked out that much during the day.

    I do not appreciate being called a liar...what would I have to gain by coming up here on mfp and lie?. That's foolish. When someone accuse me of lying, I see it as judging and I will speak up. I do not need the drama. That's not why I am here and if this post is going to cause this much drama...It can be taken down and I do not have to post again. Period. And I will still do just fine.
  • sweetnessnc
    sweetnessnc Posts: 27 Member
    I think that working out for four hours is crazy. Why is that necessary or even desirable?

    If I have four hours a day to weight training I would.

    I feel you. I haven't even began to weight train that's why I walk my dog a lot, and she pulls the crape out of me..or either I walk up and down my stairs and that's a real calorie burner. That's what's been convient for me right now. Different strokes for different folks. I would never try to knock or discourage anyone from doing what works for them. I do not mind the comments or suggestions...But I have people responding with negativity and i do not need that. I will not be coming back to the message boards anyway. I just can't with some of these folks.
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    I went on a two hour run today mostly to clear my head of personal drama and it was beautiful. MFP wanted me to eat almost 3,000 calories and I ate about 1,800 which I think is sufficient. I don't know why people wouldn't believe you plenty of people work weekends, night, are students and have 4 hours on a weekday to exercise.
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    I think that working out for four hours is crazy. Why is that necessary or even desirable?

    I'm just curious....why is it crazy?? I have never heard ANYONE say that exercising for any length of time is crazy. But I would love to hear your expert opinion. Sounds like you have it all together. So...tell me...what's your expert advice on losing weight and how much one should and should not execercise?

    ...Actually, there have been studies about exercising too much. It can lead to Exercise Bulimia, which is just as much of a disorder as any eating disorder. It can also lead to injuries and dehydration (and I've actually been hospitalized from this from over exercising).

    That being said, I have played many tennis matches that are four hours and my first half marathon took me 3 and a half. I also hike for hours on weekends frequently. No one is judging, but if you are getting that defensive, you might need to ask yourself why.

    And I don't eat back all my calories, but I do try to stay around the 2,000 limit if I worked out that much during the day.

    I do not appreciate being called a liar...what would I have to gain by coming up here on mfp and lie?. That's foolish. When someone accuse me of lying, I see it as judging and I will speak up. I do not need the drama. That's not why I am here and if this post is going to cause this much drama...It can be taken down and I do not have to post again. Period. And I will still do just fine.

    Then why did you start it?
  • sweetnessnc
    sweetnessnc Posts: 27 Member
    I went on a two hour run today mostly to clear my head of personal drama and it was beautiful. MFP wanted me to eat almost 3,000 calories and I ate about 1,800 which I think is sufficient. I don't know why people wouldn't believe you plenty of people work weekends, night, are students and have 4 hours on a weekday to exercise.

    THANK YOU!!!! I appreciate everyone that responded with constructive criticism and advice. :heart:
  • sweetnessnc
    sweetnessnc Posts: 27 Member
    I think that working out for four hours is crazy. Why is that necessary or even desirable?

    I'm just curious....why is it crazy?? I have never heard ANYONE say that exercising for any length of time is crazy. But I would love to hear your expert opinion. Sounds like you have it all together. So...tell me...what's your expert advice on losing weight and how much one should and should not execercise?

    ...Actually, there have been studies about exercising too much. It can lead to Exercise Bulimia, which is just as much of a disorder as any eating disorder. It can also lead to injuries and dehydration (and I've actually been hospitalized from this from over exercising).

    That being said, I have played many tennis matches that are four hours and my first half marathon took me 3 and a half. I also hike for hours on weekends frequently. No one is judging, but if you are getting that defensive, you might need to ask yourself why.

    And I don't eat back all my calories, but I do try to stay around the 2,000 limit if I worked out that much during the day.

    I do not appreciate being called a liar...what would I have to gain by coming up here on mfp and lie?. That's foolish. When someone accuse me of lying, I see it as judging and I will speak up. I do not need the drama. That's not why I am here and if this post is going to cause this much drama...It can be taken down and I do not have to post again. Period. And I will still do just fine.

    Then why did you start it?

    Because I wanted to. Why did you respond??
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    Eat if you are hungry, you must be from all that exercise! Sometimes on my days off I might do a big workout and have lots of calories leftover, I don't feel the need to eat them all back if I'm not hungry so I consider them a 'buffer' for if I might want an extra treat or two on the weekend. I like to view my calorie goal as a weekly one rather than daily so maybe you can have the extra calories if you need them on another day :)
  • tracylbrown839
    tracylbrown839 Posts: 84 Member
    As I understand it, your 4 hours of "working out" consisted of walking, household activities, and stairs. This is super. Being active 4 hours out of a day is very good for you.

    This type of activity - activity taken in walking "in bits", chores, stairs, and such is very difficult to calculate a correct calorie burn (I realize you said you did not eat the calories that you earned back - which is also good)

    If this is the way that you generally take your exercise, in bits and pieces with a lot of walking and stairs, it might be really well worth your while to get a "fitbit" or other activity tracker.

    The fitbit one tracks your total steps, miles, flights of stairs, and calorie burn. So, it's a fairly effective way of really getting a handle on your daily activity and what it's worth.

    And no, I don't work for the company, or own any stock in them, or anything like that.
    My recommendation comes from personal experience, as a fitbit user myself, for the past 2 years + . In fact, I have just earned my 5,000 mile badge, and the device has really helped me to more accurately track my activity level and my total calories burned.

    Congratulations on a great, and active day! Keep it up! :)

    PS - the fitbit device can also be "linked" with my fitness Pal so then you do get appropriate calorie credit for the activity that you do over the course of the day. This really helps to take the guess work out of whether your calculations are accurate.
  • Zombierawr
    Zombierawr Posts: 95 Member
    I think that working out for four hours is crazy. Why is that necessary or even desirable?

    I'm just curious....why is it crazy?? I have never heard ANYONE say that exercising for any length of time is crazy. But I would love to hear your expert opinion. Sounds like you have it all together. So...tell me...what's your expert advice on losing weight and how much one should and should not execercise?

    ...Actually, there have been studies about exercising too much. It can lead to Exercise Bulimia, which is just as much of a disorder as any eating disorder. It can also lead to injuries and dehydration (and I've actually been hospitalized from this from over exercising).

    That being said, I have played many tennis matches that are four hours and my first half marathon took me 3 and a half. I also hike for hours on weekends frequently. No one is judging, but if you are getting that defensive, you might need to ask yourself why.

    And I don't eat back all my calories, but I do try to stay around the 2,000 limit if I worked out that much during the day.

    I do not appreciate being called a liar...what would I have to gain by coming up here on mfp and lie?. That's foolish. When someone accuse me of lying, I see it as judging and I will speak up. I do not need the drama. That's not why I am here and if this post is going to cause this much drama...It can be taken down and I do not have to post again. Period. And I will still do just fine.

    I don't think the poster was calling you a liar, nor was I... all they said was that they couldn't fathom working out for 4 hours a day. I really just think you read into it wrong, that's all. And I wasn't causing drama, just pointing out that there has been studies that show that you can exercise too much. As I stated in my original post, I work out for hours frequently on the weekends, and I work and am in graduate school. ALL I was saying is that you can get hurt from over exercising - I ended up in the hospital because of it years ago.
  • JoyeII
    JoyeII Posts: 240 Member
    Was this a one time, fluke thing or, do you plan to do this on a regular basis?

    It was a one time thing. Every now and then, I may do three hours, but most of the time when I'm just walking or doing the stairs it's two hours...but not all consective. I have to do this because I work two jobs and I work at night so I just get it in when I can because I do not have time to go to the gym. I'm going to buy me some weights...that's another reason why I walk so much. I only have the stretch bands to do my strength training.

    OK. I asked because, if it's a once-in-a-while thing, then I wouldn't bother eating the extra calories, unless you're hungry and you want them.

    If it was a regular thing, I would at least eat back some of those calories.
  • nonacgp
    nonacgp Posts: 132
    I only eat back around half, I think that often the calories burnt is way overestimated.

    I totally agree with you.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member

    I don't have that kind of time, really. Kudos, though.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member

    I don't have that kind of time, really. Kudos, though.

    I have that kind of time. I just see it as I don't need to do that much for my goals.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member

    I don't have that kind of time, really. Kudos, though.

    I have that kind of time. I just see it as I don't need to do that much for my goals.

    Me neither, but I still don't have that kind of time. :flowerforyou:
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member