Bombed Out!

sandollar1977 Posts: 10 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I did horrible yesterday! Ever since last week I have kind of lost the urge to count the calories and get moving. I think because I allowed myself to eat what I wanted because "Its the Holidays!". Wrong thing to do! Can someone pull me back up on the wagon and slap some sense into me?! 33 years old with a heart stent....hellloooooo? Lori, wake up! Yesterday I had double the amount of calories I should have had! Was it me just being rebellious since yesterday I scheduled an appointment with a nutritionist in Jan?


  • lstrachan
    lstrachan Posts: 20 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just do it!! Ask you self do you want to live to enjoy another year. You have to change you behavior - if not the only alternative is an early grave. The choice is yours. Make it happen!! :heart:
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Well, yeah, you blew it. But we start from where we start. It's a new day, and just say SCREW IT, I'm back on the wagon! I would really suggest one of the MFP challenges; search the message boards for "challenge" and see if any of them strike you as something you would enjoy, keep up with, and be motivated by.

    The heart stent: WOW. That is a huge wake-up call. Consider yourself b*#%h-slapped, woman! :smile:
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Christmas is ONE day...snap out of it! :-D I have had this same problem the past few years but this year i rejected all leftovers and turned away holiday far so good (I'm REALLY close 1.2 lbs away from my year end goal of 160). Best of luck...just try and at least record what you eat, the healthy habits will kick back in soon enough.
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    It happens. What matters now is how you react to it. Every single day is a new beginning, with new choices to make. If you keep beating yourself up for a week's worth of "bad behavior" you are looking backwards and not ahead, and you will not progress. If, however, you say to yourself, "Oops. I'm human. I made some decisions I regret, but that's okay because that's how I learn" you will continue to move forward. My advise is to shrug it off, say to yourself, "Today is a new day and it will be different." Then, just start making better choices for yourself.
  • raising2ells
    raising2ells Posts: 47 Member
    Did that work? Nah, didn't think so. :)
    OK, so I've got over 100 lbs to lose as well, and I just joined myfitnesspal a few days ago, and I think it's SO awesome that we can come alongside each other w/encouragement and support. The road is going to be long and hard, but we can do it! All of us myfitnesspal gals together. ok? Today's a new day. Forget yesterday. It's over and done with. Log your food and calories and just get moving...even if it's just going up and down the steps a few times. You can do it!

    "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    Yeah, don't die...lots of people will miss you :cry: I was feeling the same way this week. I just told myself I WILL log everything I eat on Monday. Then on Tuesday I logged it all again, but cut out a snack or two, then yesterday I cut out that late-night drink I'd added back for the my weight is getting back in line! You don't have to do everything all at once, but you DO have to do SOMETHING! Now go do it! :drinker:
  • you know we all blow it, but tomorrow is another day, you have to get yourself back on that wagon, just get up and start your day with a fresh start, don't think about yesterday or the day before, that is in the past, you can't change it you can only make the present how you want it, I have faith in you, you can do it.
  • billylindsay
    billylindsay Posts: 102 Member
    I take everyday as it comes work messes me up (constant nights) so eating routines sleeping routines and exercise routines are all messed up so I just take it one day at a time.
  • sandollar1977
    sandollar1977 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow thanks everyone! I truly need to see the words you all have spoken!
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