To run or not to run


I have a 10k on sunday it's my first so I'm very nervous. I ran 8k last Sunday.

I was supposed to go out on Tuesday and this evening for around 5k runs, anyway due to it being dark before I got home and my normal run is alone the Thames without street lighting I couldn't go.

I went out last night just for 3k before it got too dark.

I have now worked out a new route which has okay street lighting. Should I go out tonight or leave it now until Sunday.


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I would run tonight. Hope all goes well on Sunday!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    on my running plan my last run before a sunday race is the thursday. just 2 miles though.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Good luck!

    I just got new running shoes to start training for a triathalon next summer, but I don't think I'll actually start until March.
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    Only 2 miles that's cool I can do that on my normal route as long as long I get home by 7.

    Great thanks. :)
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    Good luck!

    I just got new running shoes to start training for a triathalon next summer, but I don't think I'll actually start until March.

    A trialthalon is too scary for me! Swimming and running are fine it's the cycling bit.

    Hopefully I will build up to a half marathon in March but that's as far as I will go. :)
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Yes, run tonight. You'll be glad you did.
    I have a sprint triathlon on Sunday morning and I am swimming today and doing all three (swim, bike, run) tomorrow (10 min each, very light) then resting on Saturday.
    Good luck!!!
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    [/quote] A trialthalon is too scary for me! Swimming and running are fine it's the cycling bit.

    Hopefully I will build up to a half marathon in March but that's as far as I will go. :)

    Haha, yes that's what I said too.... and now a triathalon and a marathon are on my list for the next season.....never say never!! Good luck on your run and your race :)
  • Congrats! You can doo it! I have a 5k this sat and my running schedule didn't go the way I planned either. Be careful, have fun and give it your best!
  • BooksNShizzz
    BooksNShizzz Posts: 1 Member
    If you can do 8k on your own, you can definitely do 10k in a race. The adrenaline and crowd feel will carry you those last 2k.

    And for everyone scared of triathlons, look into a sprint distance! There is nothing more satisfying than crossing the finish line when you've pushed your body past anything its ever been through. There are all women's tris, and even a special category for women weighing 165+ called Athena (Clydesdale is the men's category). Six months ago I couldn't run an entire 5k. This past weekend I placed third in the Athena division of a sprint tri, and I PR'd in a 10k race on Sunday. Never say never!
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    Thank you all for your encouragement!!!

    All your achievements are amazing!!!
  • jbrownnolan
    jbrownnolan Posts: 72 Member
    If the question is "To Run or not to Run" - "Run" is always going to be my answer :D

    Good luck on Sunday