New & not waiting until January 1st or a Monday :)

Hello everyone. My sister has been using this site and loves it. I decided to give it a try. Compared to everything I've ever tried it couldn't hurt!

I've always been overweight but still active and healthy....until the past five years. I have always told myself "by the time I'm 21 I'll lose this much weight" or "by the time I turn 25 I'll lose this much weight"....well at 30 I weigh more than I've ever weighed before.

In the past two and half years, I have become a full time college student, on top of a full time stress filled career, stay busy with committee/vounteer work, and try to maintain a semi stable life and relationship. All the stress has caused my weight to soar and my lack of excercise has hurt me even more. On top of this, I discussed with my fiance that I will not get pregnant until I get healthy because of the fear of what it will do to me and the baby with my being so overweight. We have planned on trying to start a family in around two years. This should be enough motivation right?!?!?!?!?!?!

I have around 80 lbs to lose and I know I can do it but as we all know it's a tough tough road. I would love and appreciate any tips or support that anyone has to offer! Thanks!!!! Jess
