New Year's Resolution

I'm not making any New Year's resolutions regarding dieting, weight, etc. I'm just taking it week by week, my goal is to lose 1 pound a week and I am doing it by eating healthier and just moving. Any type of movement is good b/c our bodies were designed for movement. Tonight, I'm going to start packing up Xmas decorations and I will use that as my cardio (bending, standing, reaching). Who knows I might have a piece of leftover sweet potato pie and it will not kill me - it just means that when I do ride my exercise bike, I need to go an extra 20 minutes. :wink:


  • obifatkanobi
    I made a New Years Resolution many years ago that I'm still keeping to this day, "No more New Year's resolutions." Your right, it's not a yearly decision, or even a monthly one. It's difficult enough to handle a full week at a time. Personally, I take each new day as it's given. If I mess up, well, I'm human, but tomorrow is a whole new opportunity to do it right.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I don't do resolutions. I set goals and make a plan for achieving them. I posted about mine the other day, so I won't bore anyone with repeating the long post (I set 12 different goals, both fitness and non-fitness related), but if you want to see them you can check my blog on here.
  • tierra85
    tierra85 Posts: 300 Member
    my resolution is for 2011 to be the most productive year i've ever had. go get a job and put myself through school, make more friends, get out more and experience life. i've wasted too much time sitting around letting life happen to me. like they say you choose your path or you have it chosen for you. along with of course adapting a more healthy lifestyle and exercising more. i just want to find my energy and go non-stop this year. actually accomplish something for once. best of luck to all of you this year.