Food diary help?

Can someone have a look at my food diary & give some suggestions & advice, i am totally new to all this & am feeling a little confused. I am a 38 year old male about 10kgs over weight i have been exercising regularly for about two weeks but just started to think of my food intake. Please note the first day entry was just me playing around with the diary, the last two days is what i have eaten for lunch & dinner combined

Thankyou in advance


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    yesterday you ate 700 calories... my advice would be to eat more.

    set MFP to lose 1lb (0.5kg) per week, weigh EVERYTHING and eat back a portion of your exercise cals.
  • amboyd1125
    The first thing I noticed off the bat is that you have way too few calories. You are a man with (relatively) not a whole lot to lose. You need to eat more than 1200 calories, or else you are going to have lean mass loss. Also, you will probably find that amount unsustainable for the long run. You should start by finding how many calories you need to consume to lose no more than 2 lbs per week, and eat that amount. I'm happy to get more into detail if you'd like, but in a nutshell, eat more.
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    ^^^^^What they said. Eat for goodness sakes!
  • hobbjulie
    The 700 calorie day i ate a mountain of vegetables, it was meant to be for lunch but lasted the whole day, end of day i was full but no calories. I have never really eaten breakfast. Guess i have a lot of learning to do thanks for the replys guys
  • hobbjulie
    The 700 calorie day i a mountain of vegetables, it was meant to be for lunch but lasted the whole day, end of day i was full but no calories. I have never really eaten breakfast. Guess i have a lot of learning to do thanks for the replys guys
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you dont have to eat breakfast.

    it is doubtful that you can get adequate nutrition from so little calories though, which is why you should eat more. plus at your size you dont need a massive deficit as it will just work against you.
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    OP, did you set your goals here on MFP? If not, I highly recommend that you do, and for a half pound a week weight loss. You don't really have that much to lose so it probably won't happen quickly, but slow and steady wins the race.

    The idea is to eat to your calorie goal, not try and be as far under it as you can. If you're exercising then log it here and eat back your exercise calories.

    You don't need to eat what we used to think of as diet food, e.g. all salads and veg. Eat whatever you like - just keep it within your calorie goal. And if you're struggling to meet your calorie goal then think about adding higher calorie foods to your diet, e.g. nuts, olive oil, avocado, cheese. These can add calories without adding volume to the amount of food you're eating.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    The 700 calorie day i ate a mountain of vegetables, it was meant to be for lunch but lasted the whole day, end of day i was full but no calories. I have never really eaten breakfast. Guess i have a lot of learning to do thanks for the replys guys

    You might want to add calorie dense foods then you get more calories but not too much added volume (think avocados, nuts, cheeses, etc). Just make note of the fat content in these, though.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    Options might also be an idea to make a few friends on here with open diaries for ideas.

    Best of luck with the weight loss x
  • SerendipitySkye
    SerendipitySkye Posts: 202 Member
    I would say you definitely need to eat more; and I agree...look at other's diaries to get healthy ideas. :)
  • ccbulldog83
    ccbulldog83 Posts: 25 Member
    I just looked at your food diary and thought you're off to a great start today...I agree with the others, 700 calories was to low. Good luck!:smile: