Moving Past a Breakup



  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    I was with my fiance for 3 years when we broke up because it wasn't working. We still cared for each other, but it wasn't working.
    I had to insitute a no contact policy for a month, because when you talk to someone every day and they are your best friend it is VERY hard to separate your lives.

    We tried to stay friends, but it was very hard to hear about him going on dates and doing things with someone else that he never wanted to do with me (concerts, etc)

    Eventually we were able to be friends again. I even started dating again too.

    Difference with me was we found our spark, and got back to together on a completely random day where we met for a coffee.
    I had been at a party the night before and was totally convinced I was inches away from getting somewhere with a young man I had been seeing and letting know I was very interested... So probably not the best advice from me!

    But the years between were hard. I had to actually write 'Don't call him' on a post-it and put it on the inside of my bedroom door.
    Take some time to reestablish who you are, without muddying the waters. Cry a lot. Go out/hang at home with good friends.
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 821 Member
    Space. You can and probably will be friends - some time from now. Change his contact to 'do not answer/call' in your phone and take abreak from contact for a bit.

    the best thing you can do is throw yourself into things that you like doing, that make you happy, keep reasonably busy.

    Spend time with your friends who make you feel positive. Feel free to tell them - I'm not in the right place to be calling him a jerk so could we stay away from name calling for now? Take a new class, find a new hobby ect.

    You do get there in the end no matter how much it sucks now x
  • cathyg321
    cathyg321 Posts: 155 Member
    Here's something that helped for me. It has changed my mind and focus a LOT... check it out!