relatively new to the gym

I started going to the gym again this week and feel like a fish out of water!

I really can't afford any personal training right at the moment.

I go to goodlife and do the weight circuit every other day along with 30 minutes of cardio (usually the elliptical and treadmill). I still want to go on the days I don't do the weight circuit, but what should I do?

My goals are mainly weight loss as I still have a lot to go.

Also, I usually don't go to the gym until 8pm. By the time I'm home it's usually 10 or 1030. When I log my activity into the app it says I still have almost 600 calories left to consume! I was told you should be eating those calories, but it can't be good to eat that much and then go to bed shortly after. What does everyone else do? I was thinking maybe just eat extra during the day when I know I'll go the gym and then when I log my activity I'll be back down to my daily goal?

Help! Lol


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    You can eat the calories earlier in the day or eat them right before bed. Your body continues to digest food while you are asleep.
  • FitFitzy331
    FitFitzy331 Posts: 308 Member
    IMO you have two ways you can handle that. Eat most of those calories before going, making an assumption of how much you'll burn based upon past experience then afterwards have a little snack to use up the rest of the calories. That way you're getting all the energy you need and it will push you to go work out at your usual time. Or, you can go to the gym first thing in the morning, then you know exactly how many calories you have for the day, no guessing and do your thing that way.

    Personally I go to the gym directly after work, I eat a snack at work before hand, get my work out in, then go home and make dinner. I'm usually done working out by 7-7:30 which still leaves plenty of time to cook and eat before I go to bed somewhere around 11-12. I used to go to the gym in the morning, considering doing it again, and it was a nice feeling having my work out done before going to work and getting to just relax after a long day when I got home.
  • That would be ideal, but having a little guy at home makes things a bit more difficult. There's no way I could go in the morning as he wakes up at 6, I really can only go once he's in bed for the night. I will start eating more during the day.

    Any opinions on what's best at the gym? The people who look to be in the best shape don't seem to use any machines at all. They Lind of do their own thing with free weights.

    Does what I'm doing sound okay or should I be doing other things? I did the weights last night so tonight I was just going to do some cardio. It will feel weird only going for 45 minutes to an hour.

    I will also admit I haven't a clue what I'm doing or should be doing, so maybe it's fine?
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    That would be ideal, but having a little guy at home makes things a bit more difficult. There's no way I could go in the morning as he wakes up at 6, I really can only go once he's in bed for the night. I will start eating more during the day.

    Any opinions on what's best at the gym? The people who look to be in the best shape don't seem to use any machines at all. They Lind of do their own thing with free weights.

    Does what I'm doing sound okay or should I be doing other things? I did the weights last night so tonight I was just going to do some cardio. It will feel weird only going for 45 minutes to an hour.

    I will also admit I haven't a clue what I'm doing or should be doing, so maybe it's fine?

    You could look into programs like New Rules of Lifting for Women, Starting Strength or Stronglifts. Those seem to be the most popular and would give you a sense of direction when you are at the gym.

    There is nothing wrong with only spending 45 minutes to an hour at the gym. I don't think I have ever been at the gym for over an hour and I am okay with that, but any cardio I do is just running outside a couple times a week.

    As far as eating your calories goes, after going to the gym for a few days you should be able to get a good estimate as to how many calories you are burning. You could either prelog your exercise and plan to eat those calories earlier or use an online calculator to see what your BMR and TDEE are and eat close to the same amount of calories daily regardless of what kind of exercise you do that day.