The mind games about getting on the scale.

Tying to avoid the emotional ups and downs getting on the scale. I weigh myself Monday thru Friday. This is how it goes....Monday weigh about 1 - 2 lbs more than Friday, drinks and less control on the weekends. Tuesday about the same as Monday....Wednesday back to where I was Friday....Thursday a little less then Wendesday and then Friday about a lb less than Thursday....

This is a consistient pattern and it has helped me get of the emotion of the ups and downs. I no longer get high on the loss or get low on the downs. Last week I had a few things going on and did not stick to my regimine and it felt good that I knew that the scale was not going to stick ot the pattern....and it played out exactly how I thought.....I posted no loss for the week and was not upset because thanks to MF....I now live in Realville and do not play mind games.....

What issues or stategies do you use when getting on the scale?