I am going to scream!!!

peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
So my husband is on holidays this week, and we are laying new floor tiles in the bathroom. We got all the middle done and it looks great. But now we are at the corners. My husband, I should mention is definitley no Mike Holmes. He is in there right now swearing his big butt off cause everything he has cut is crooked. It's time to stay out of the way!! I even tell him before he cuts the tile that it's crooked but he listens about as good as his mother, I can't even count how many tiles have been wasted. I wish somebody with a little more experience would drop in anytime now.....I know I'm being mean, but we do not work well together....at all. GRRRRRR


  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    So my husband is on holidays this week, and we are laying new floor tiles in the bathroom. We got all the middle done and it looks great. But now we are at the corners. My husband, I should mention is definitley no Mike Holmes. He is in there right now swearing his big butt off cause everything he has cut is crooked. It's time to stay out of the way!! I even tell him before he cuts the tile that it's crooked but he listens about as good as his mother, I can't even count how many tiles have been wasted. I wish somebody with a little more experience would drop in anytime now.....I know I'm being mean, but we do not work well together....at all. GRRRRRR
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood
    Omg, too funny. I know exactly how you feel, my husband is challenged changing lightbulbs!
  • icupfunny2000
    icupfunny2000 Posts: 470 Member
    LOL that is so typical of a man!!! Its sort of like asking for directions... if he gets lost enough he will eventually ask for help!!!
  • denmother46
    denmother46 Posts: 272 Member
    Well, I guess it's good that yours even tries. My husband is not one to take on any home improvement project. My job is to get bids from contractors and then run when he sees the bills!!!:wink:
  • beautifulbay
    beautifulbay Posts: 159
    :laugh: hubby and I bought a big old farmhouse we have been redoing for the past 5 years ..... do you realize how many projects that makes...and how many times that has made me walk out of room thinking he needs some help??

    But I can honestly say, because of those earlier projects, he has gotten better along the way....give him some space to make his mistakes, because without them, he'll never improve...and I promise...He will eventually improve!!
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    I know the look of pride on his face is going to be worth the last few miserable hours, when we're finally done. I just tried to help....oops, definitley giving him some space lol!!!
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    Any husband/wife project is scary for us. My dad came to help my hubby put in a water heater. They were downstairs for 2 hours, no yelling, no stressful silences, just laughing and joking. If WE had been doing that together, we would be divorced by now! :laugh:

    Seriously, men can be so crabby when you are asking questions or trying to help when you have no clue what they are saying! I tell my husband: saying you want me to hand you "that" is not clear, even when you repeat yourself louder and louder!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    So my husband is on holidays this week, and we are laying new floor tiles in the bathroom. We got all the middle done and it looks great. But now we are at the corners. My husband, I should mention is definitley no Mike Holmes. He is in there right now swearing his big butt off cause everything he has cut is crooked. It's time to stay out of the way!! I even tell him before he cuts the tile that it's crooked but he listens about as good as his mother, I can't even count how many tiles have been wasted. I wish somebody with a little more experience would drop in anytime now.....I know I'm being mean, but we do not work well together....at all. GRRRRRR

    I think we're married to the same person. My husband thinks he knows everything about everything....and ends up costing us more money when he breaks something. I say it's like living with Tim from Home Improvement!!
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    So my husband is on holidays this week, and we are laying new floor tiles in the bathroom. We got all the middle done and it looks great. But now we are at the corners. My husband, I should mention is definitley no Mike Holmes. He is in there right now swearing his big butt off cause everything he has cut is crooked. It's time to stay out of the way!! I even tell him before he cuts the tile that it's crooked but he listens about as good as his mother, I can't even count how many tiles have been wasted. I wish somebody with a little more experience would drop in anytime now.....I know I'm being mean, but we do not work well together....at all. GRRRRRR

    I think we're married to the same person. My husband thinks he knows everything about everything....and ends up costing us more money when he breaks something. I say it's like living with Tim from Home Improvement!!
    Exactly!!!! I went in and redid a piece of the floor, better than his original piece, ok it still was far from perfect, when I went back in the second time it was missing. It is now 5:55, we started at 9:00 this morning and the floor is still not done. He just keeps staring at the trouble areas going hmmm....hmmmm. lol Maybe it'll get done tomorrow?? Did I forget to mention the tiles sat there unopened for 2 months before today?? GRRR