Well... I'm new.

I made this account two years ago but didn't really use it. My mom signed us up for Weight Watchers last spring, as I wanted to lose before my wedding (that didn't end up happening, thank God). I've been doing that for a year and a half now.

I did great at first, but then I hit the brick wall that is Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's. I got in a car accident in December that had me going to the chiropractor until March. In March, we called off the wedding. In April, I was diagnosed with narcolepsy. In May, I kicked my fiance/boyfriend/whatever-he-was-at-that-point out. I finally recovered from the emotional turmoil last month and am losing again.

This week, I decided to use MFP and the WW tracker simultaneously to make sure my macros were square. As I figured, I've been getting way too many carbs (thanks to the fact that fruit is "free" on WW) and not nearly enough protein. I'm hoping that tracking here will help not only with my weight loss, but my overall health.

SW: 288.8
CW: 254.8
GW: 180 (at which point I will reevaluate to see if I want to keep going to 160 for a "healthy" BMI)

Anyway. That's why I'm here. I wasn't planning on making one of these threads, as it's always been my least favorite part of joining a board, but I figured what the heck. :)


  • tayleigh4
    tayleigh4 Posts: 90 Member
    Good luck! MFP is amazing, there are so many people on here who will support you! Congrats on your weight loss so far. Keep going :) I'm always here if you need anything!!
  • swaistle
    swaistle Posts: 119 Member
    Sorry to hear about your past, but it sounds like you're on a good path now :) Congrats on the weight loss so far! MFP can be a very supporting community!

    I tried WW before and lost a stone but then hit a wall and felt very restricted on it. With MFP, it's helped me just adapt the "eat less move more" aspect. Which has turned into "eat more healthily" too :) I'm more concious of nutrients now thanks to my MFP friends :)
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    You've been through a lot. Glad to see you're going in the right direction. So, welcome back and feel free to add me as a friend.
    We've very similar weight loss goals. Good luck!
  • I have tried many different Diets from Adkins to Nutrisystem and I lose wait in the beginning and then I gain that and more back. I started MFP 60 days ago and I am losing weight and feeling good about it. I don't feel deprived, but I am eating healthier and I know I can live this lifestyle, unlike a diet that deprives you different things.