Coffee and sleep loss?

So I am a pretty serious coffee drinker. Especially at the moment, as I am having very disturbed/lacking sleep due to worrying. I don't drink loads and loads - probably an average of about 2 cups of strong black coffee a day, sometimes just one. Not much, but I do rely on it to get me through the day. And before you ask, I do drink my second with plenty of time to spare between it and going to bed ;)
I know that there are really not many/zero calories in black coffee, but I worry that it will trigger more cortisol production, which will make it harder to lose fat. And I know sleep loss does the same, and that the combination of the two is not great. But I'm not fully clear on the true impact of it on weight loss, and whether there are things that I could do to minimise the effects? Just wondering if anyone's got any insight?
This may seem really nit-picky and trivial, but my weight loss has slowed down and almost stopped recently, and I'm just trying to shift the plateau ASAP. Thanks guys :)


  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    Its not nit picky at all, you're just trying to do things the right way. As far as coffee goes scientists really havent agreed on whether or not its actually bad for you. But the big thing is if you are going to be absolutely miserable and tired without it then dont worry about cutting it out. I personally cut it out when I started my weight loss but it wont effect your weight loss in any noticeable way. As far as sleep goes that could be due to alot of diet related things like blood sugar, or just plain old sleeping habits, but I would need to know more to get a better idea.