Burgers and Pizza while attempting weightloss?



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Why not do a mix? Eat your healthy versions most of the time and the regular versions when you can fit the calories in.

    totally this!

    OP, it sounds to me like you are really on the right track with your substitutions...so that you can have those healthier alternatives as your "everyday meals" and then still enjoy the "real thing" for special days/meals and times when you just want to splurge or have done an excellent workout.

    There is always time to make tons more little adjustments (like additions of more vegetables) later on once you're feeling more confident about using the site. Don't go too hard on yourself at first...it will be a gradual progression as you go! I've been using this site for a year and a half now and I'm still making tweaks and things. Little stuff adds up!

    Good luck to you!!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Why not do a mix? Eat your healthy versions most of the time and the regular versions when you can fit the calories in.

    Yep. I save Thursday nights for fast food while I make better choices the rest of the time. Tonight is a grilled chicken sandwich and brew fries!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I am grilling burgers tonight and having french fries. I want it I'll eat it. Just fit the calories in and enjoy!
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Why not do a mix? Eat your healthy versions most of the time and the regular versions when you can fit the calories in.

    totally this!

    OP, it sounds to me like you are really on the right track with your substitutions...so that you can have those healthier alternatives as your "everyday meals" and then still enjoy the "real thing" for special days/meals and times when you just want to splurge or have done an excellent workout.

    There is always time to make tons more little adjustments (like additions of more vegetables) later on once you're feeling more confident about using the site. Don't go too hard on yourself at first...it will be a gradual progression as you go! I've been using this site for a year and a half now and I'm still making tweaks and things. Little stuff adds up!

    Good luck to you!!

    That moment where you feel like you've seen this person everywhere and then you realize she has 6k posts xD <3<3<3
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Try subbing 93/7 ground beef and a high fiber or whole grain bun and add the avocado? That hits all my burger craving notes at a reduced calorie ratio.

    As for pizza, I'm ordering one now. Margherita. I just eat less than I used to.
  • summer92008
    Well...it depends on if you're trying to eat healthier and better or just reduce your calories. So far I've just been limiting my calories. I've been pretty much eating whatever I please. It's just, whenever I get to my calorie limit for the day, I stop eating. It's that simple for me. And so far I'm over half way to my goal (given my goal isn't that big to begin with).

    However, I learned really quick that if I want a burger and fries or pizza, it takes up most of my daily calories so I need to eat better/less to make it fit into my daily goal.

    Now, if you're doing it to be healthier, ask someone else. I've been dieting on calories in vs calories out lol.
    Good luck, though! ( :
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    I don't usually subscribe to the "replacement" thing. Just find some new foods that you enjoy. This doesn't mean you should cut out your favorite foods entirely. Plan for them and make it fit into your calorie allowance.

    That being said, the foods you described sound delicous and healthy. If they satify your craving for a pizza or cheeseburger, go ahead!
  • 1_Ton_Lady
    1_Ton_Lady Posts: 46 Member
    bump for reading later
  • jazzie_red
    jazzie_red Posts: 180 Member
    I have subbed some things around. Like the bocca burger. If I didn't I would move on. I consider that a home cooked meal. When I treat myself to a dine out meal, I have the real thing then. Will have to try with avacado. Mmm.. Avacado....

    But I agree, if it is not a happy substitute, it will never work.
  • marthalgutierrez92
    So many awesome replies, thank you guys!!

    I'm always taking everyone's advice and suggestions into consideration!!
  • satisfyingmyinnerfatkid
    Fast food is not healthy and I'd rather not and be perfect and all but I have a food addiction which is why I got to be 127 pounds overweight in the first place. You need to learn portion control, how to satisfy yourself with a little not a lot , and how to be faithful to tracking EVERYTHING ALL THE FREAKIN TIME LOL

    If you can manage that then you can eat fast food no problem all the time like me and still have lost 73 pounds. But it's pretty hard.. and takes a while to train yourself..not gonna lie. So yeah eat your healthy versions of fast food as much as you want (all measured and tracked of course) AND if you can get your food addiction under control enough you will be able to visit fast food joints without fearing binges or weight gain. Good luck!
  • slynn1023
    I've never been big on burgers, but man am I a pizza girl!
    Honestly I know I still eat it more than I should, but instead of (like the OP said) eating 5pcs in one sitting, I eat 2 plus a salad. It balances out the meal while allowing me to stay under my calories.:smile:

  • slynn1023
    Fast food is not healthy and I'd rather not and be perfect and all but I have a food addiction which is why I got to be 127 pounds overweight in the first place. You need to learn portion control, how to satisfy yourself with a little not a lot , and how to be faithful to tracking EVERYTHING ALL THE FREAKIN TIME LOL

    If you can manage that then you can eat fast food no problem all the time like me and still have lost 73 pounds. But it's pretty hard.. and takes a while to train yourself..not gonna lie. So yeah eat your healthy versions of fast food as much as you want (all measured and tracked of course) AND if you can get your food addiction under control enough you will be able to visit fast food joints without fearing binges or weight gain. Good luck!

    Speaking of fast food, I still eat it, especially on days I work long/late hours. But I've learned to pay attention to their nutrition lists (which are easily found on their websites). For example, when I use to go to Taco Bell, I could easily eat 1700cal in one meal, (which now is what I eat in a day) Now when i get it I'm around 600-700. =D (also not ordering a beverage helps decrease calorie intake dramatically!)
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I had Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner tonight. I had not eaten much the rest of the day (a Starbucks turkey bacon and egg white sandwich, a tall Pumpkin Spice Latte, and a Frigo Cheeseheads lite string cheese). I was able to have a regular size potato wedge, 10 boneless wings (5 honey bbq, 5 mild), and one of their dipping cups of bleu cheese. I was under my calorie goal for the day. I eat at my BMR and eat back most or all of my exercise calories right now.

    I'm not even a full month into logging my food and weight and I'm down 9 pounds. I went into Buffalo Wild Wings having already looked at nutrition information and I knew what I was able to have and still remain within my goals. Had I gone in and eaten like I normally do, it would have been very ugly.

    Now I just need to drink a lot of water, because really high sodium meals like that and I are not friends.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    the only thing wrong with a burger is the density of calories... hold the bun and you have a reasonable amount of calories and a ton of protein.

    although when i say that i dont mean fast food burgers. home made is better in a sense that you can control the level of healthy, but for weight loss, the calories are what matter and for me the bread goes and a side salad no fries, then a i steal 3 or 4 of my sons fries.

    now pizza. i am a firm believer that pizza is a perfect food. however, i hold out for a GOOD pizza. and i go for lean meats. or i make my own which is fun because i can be totally non traditional and gourmet.

    the key with pizza is a piece or two. not a whole pie. also thin crust.

    i have been depressed the last couple weeks and eating a lot of fast food and instant meals because my heart isnt in figuring out meals and i still lost 4 pounds so...

    edited to add, a perfect burger for me these days is a pile of pickles and tomatoes over a patty with cheeeeese.
  • laceynwilliams
    laceynwilliams Posts: 27 Member
    I make homemade pizza once a week with this recipe: http://smittenkitchen.com/blog/2013/10/lazy-pizza-dough-favorite-margarita-pizza/

    I sub half the flour for whole wheat flour. One recipe makes 2 pizzas, and my husband and I split that one pizza. The macros are as follows (before sauce, cheese, and toppings):
    - 325 calories
    - 1 g fat
    - 11 g protein
    - 69 g carbs

    Honestly, I set aside one day a week to eat at maintenance anyway, and I've been able to lose 7 pounds in 2 months.The key is moderation, and with homemade pizza I control how much olive oil to use, how much cheese, what the toppings are, etc. I'm able to make a low-enough calorie pizza that tastes great and still leaves me enough room for beer.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It's just math...particular foods don't stop you from losing weight or make you gain weight...there's no such thing as a fattening food...calories in excess of what you require to maintain the status quo causes you to gain weight and put on fat...caloric intake less than your body requires to maintain the status quo results in your body dipping into fat stores to make up the energy difference.

    It's just math.

    Nutrition is a completely different matter altogether.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    The only problem I see with this is reduced fat cheese. Reduced fat cheese is the devil, a complete abomination to regular cheese! It tastes like nothing!

    But if you like it, carry on!
  • homie_94
    You can eat anything as long as its in moderation. Also I would time it nicely - a burger in the day instead of at night..
  • laceynwilliams
    laceynwilliams Posts: 27 Member
    The only problem I see with this is reduced fat cheese. Reduced fat cheese is the devil, a complete abomination to regular cheese!

    Totally agree. I only use full-fat dairy in my house. Moderation, people. Quality over quantity.