curious about variety in workouts

Hey all.

So I've been working out consistently for the past few weeks, and I'm just wondering if/how much/how long before my body will "adapt" to it. I have a good bit of variety - Monday/Wednesday I do Zumba (50 mins) and weight training, Tuesday/Thursday I do Zumba again, plus Pilates and Spinning (50 mins each), Friday I do Yoga for 1 hour 40 minutes, and on Saturday I go for an easy bike ride. Sunday is my rest day. Is that enough to keep my body from getting too comfortable with exercise, or..?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    just continually and consistently challenge yourself. for instance dont wait until a weight is easy before you increase it
  • paulandrachelk
    paulandrachelk Posts: 280 Member
    By "adapting" do you mean change from exercise or need to increase exercise level? For change in body, I have read that it takes 3 months to start to notice physical differences and 6 months to really tell. That seems to be true for me. As far as to when to change weights or intensity-when your current level is no longer challenging, change it up.
  • PainNowGainLater
    PainNowGainLater Posts: 16 Member
    By "adapting" do you mean change from exercise or need to increase exercise level? For change in body, I have read that it takes 3 months to start to notice physical differences and 6 months to really tell. That seems to be true for me. As far as to when to change weights or intensity-when your current level is no longer challenging, change it up.

    Hi Emily,

    I totally agree with paulandrachel here, most information I have read says roughly every 3 months, to shock your body system. Exactly as said here, increase the weights and intensity as and when you feel it is getting easier / going beyond your rep goals on each exercise.

    Keep up the great work that it sounds like you are doing! :)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    and I'm just wondering if/how much/how long before my body will "adapt" to it.

    Adaptation is progressive, so anything you do benefits from a progressive increase in intensity, or duration.

    With resistance training, that means increasing your weight every week, with Spin it's increasing the resistance on the bike for each portion, again every week.

    Many structured plans do increase the burden but have a periodisation of three months or so, where it's then either a question of re-starting at a higher intensity or moving to a new plan.

    I have a feeling that what you're alluding to is the idea of the body becoming complacent and no longer responding to the training. That's essentially nonsense, the body needs to be challenged to develop, if the challenge ceases then development stops.
  • MeanderingMam - I think "complacent" is definitely the word I was looking for. Thanks everyone! :)