wii run

Anybody tried the Wii run. I did the 10 minute run on the Wii and only burned 61 calories. I tell you it felt like I burned way more than that. Whew talk about sweating!! Do you guys think that is accurate?? How does everyone else log it?


  • Veggie_Eloise
    Veggie_Eloise Posts: 99 Member
    Without having heart rate monitor I would just put what the Wii said.
    If you have a heart rate monitor I would use that during the run just to test how accurate Wii Fit is being.
    I've done it both ways and, for me, the Wii is fairly accurate.

    Love Wii Fit Plus :)
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I have an HRM and do the 20 min Free Run sometimes. I used to do the 10 min guided run and shorter free run too. I burn about 110-120 calories on the 20 min run. Hmmm - got me thinking - I should add this back in while watching TV at night :-)
    Oh - and I log under My Exercises - I just named mine Wii Fit Plus and put the time and calories in.
  • kag0719
    kag0719 Posts: 48 Member
    I just bought WII Active and I burned off 190 calories on 30 min of cardio which included running, boxing and lunges!! I feel it today let me tell ya!!