it's flash flooding... home workout time!

workout time! it's flash flooding all around so I can't get to the gym. thankfully I created a home, office or hotel-room (road warriors) workout plan over the past few years!

* do lunges every hour as you walk between rooms. really adds up!

* link good habits onto other routine habits, like everytime you use the bathroom, add on a set of 20 squats or jumping jacks or 5" of yoga.

* keep a couple different size dumbbells, a pair in different rooms you hangout. grab a 5" set everytime you're in that room.

* if you spend an hour in front of TV, then do it while either walking back and forth or walk high-step standing in one spot, and grab some long sets of Abdominal work ontop of your Bosu ball. Or, do upper body strength training with those dumbbells. Biceps get really strong when you do an hour of reps! You can do all upper body work too, sitting in front of the tube!

* Add yoga strength training. you can do quick 5" sets, 20" or the full hour. there's tons of youtubes available too. maybe get a small book on it too. after 30 years of doing hatha yoga, I found the Bikram book which is very good instruction. Bikrams Beginners Yoga, by Choudhoury. Plus after scouring youtubes I found a great series illustrating the same Bikram poses, helpful as you start out. The book will then become a quick reference tool.

* put a couple of calendar appointments to exercise and drink water, with alarm reminders, on your phone or computer (the one that stays on and with you the most).

* keep a tool in every room you hang out. it serves as a reminder to do a quick set of exercise. You'll find yourself grabbing the tool and just doing it. My faves are: dumbbells in home office, living room with bosu ball and dumbbells, yoga mats in front door hallway and 2nd bedroom where I read or do yoga, exercise ball, yoga bricks & strap, and two videos in bedroom... it's not messy as they are small tools.

* homemade dumbbells: wash 2 empty gallon sized milk jugs. add water. instant 8# weight for free.