trying to enter exercises but having trouble. Help?

So, I am trying to enter exercise that I did and am having trouble. For jumping jacks I know how many I did but have no clue how long I did them for. So, is there a way to enter how many I did? Also, is there another name for planks or lunges? Apparently, the database doesn't have either one. I'm surprised too since they are common exercises. I have an app on my phone for exercises and it just tells you how many of each exercise to do. For planks it gives a time limit but I still didnt see planks at all. I find it extremely frustrating because I want to be able to record what I'm doing and get accurate results. I can't afford a gym membership and the app I have is free. It randomizes the exercises so, it is really difficult to time jumping jacks. Thanks in advance for help! Good luck on your goals, everyone. Remember one pound and one day at a time. :)