Achieve your resolutions this year!!

Ok, so seeing all these posts about new challenges and everything in this next coming year has inspired me to make my own challenge, only this one is going to be for the entire year! I know lots of people don't like making resolutions, but what's the harm in making a few goals that just so happen to start right about now (or in two days :P).

These goals do not just have to be weight/health related. They can be ANYTHING. We will just keep an ongoing thread so we can all communicate and root each other on. At the end of every month we will evaluate the past 30 days and see what we've achieved and what we can do to improve for the next 30 days. I have lots of goals and I think if we keep each other in check and make sure we are checking on them often we CAN achieve what we want in 2011!!

On Jan 1st I'll start a thread and we can write down our name, and any goal(s) you want to achieve or work towards achieving for 2011.

So, what do you say? Who's with me?
