Fitbit flex

Hi everyone I am looking to get a device to help show the calories that I burn throughout the day. I have been looking at different devices and at the moment like the fitbit flex but will this be anygood when I do my blast of exercise in the evening. At the moment I am doing 30 day shred


  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    Only good for step counting. A HRM would be best for any cardio or workouts other than walking. I love my Polar FT4. Much more accurate.
  • mandimahoney5
    I love my Fitbit. Yes it counts steps. But when you start a exercise go to the app, input elliptical 20 minutes start time 10:20 am. It will then take in account for that exercise for that time instead of steps.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    It really depends on the type of activity you are doing. If you are doing mostly step exercises then fitbit would work well. If you are doing other exercises like exercise bike, swimming, exercise videos, etc. then you would have to input that exercise into the fitbit website to get a more accurate count.

    For me personally I wanted to capture my overall daily activity. I usually do strength training 3x/week and then running/walking a few times a week. I go for short walks multiple times daily. I'm able to input my strength training and let fitbit do the rest. Some days I'm running around like crazy during work and play and other days I'm stuck in my seat so Fitbit helps keep track and I'm able to adjust either my calories or go for a walk/run at the end of the day.

    HRM are good for steady state cardio only. This means no interval training, strength training, all day use, etc. but it's a good tool if that is what you are trying to track and can be in some ways more accurate than fitbit because it tracks your heart rate to help calculate intensity.