Hi all, I'm New!

Hi guys, My name is Kieran, I'm 19 and I'm from Stoke-On-Trent,
all my life I have been creative, and currently I am writing small-time movie plots and producing trailers for them, whilst studying a film and tv college course and moving over to university in a few years, I thrive from working hard, the only problem is, how hard exactly do I have to work? I weigh exactly 15.6 stones or 218.4kgs to be precise, I eat between 1200 and 1600 calories a day, I do my up-most best to keep away from saturated fats, I try to eat more Protein than carbs and I try to exercise when I have the time.
I currently am in full time education at 3 days a week, I just started the gym with a friend/personal trainer this week and will be attending 3 hour sessions 3 days a week, both cardio-vascular and muscle building. A few years back I weighed around 16 stone, but i was a lot more flabby, thats where the stretch marks on the pictures on my profile are from, I lost a lot of that flab but only lost half a stone in weight, My weight isn't too high, but my body size is. I want to lose the fat thats left on my body (about 40/50%) or at least get it down to about 15%... But it seems like no matter how hard I try nothing works, I am fluctuating between clothes sizes and change weight everyday... some days I have booming confidence and others I don't want to be seen, I stay away from junkfoods but a few weekends a month I do like to drink with friends, I am not very clever with what and how to eat and I think thats my problem. This has took confidence but Hi all, this is me! :)