Swimming Apps

Does anyone know of any good swimming training apps??

I have to lay off of running for awhile & need to get something in - but I have a hard time just doing laps for an hour & I need to do something that burns as much or more calories as my runs.



  • badgeratheart
    badgeratheart Posts: 91 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you--an injured runner who's trying to maintain endurance through swimming while I heal. I don't have any long-term experience, but here's what I have pieced together over the last month from searching a few different sources and consulting with swimmer friends. I swim 4 days per week and follow this plan:

    Day 1--Interval Swim--either 3 sprint pyramids of 25-50-75-100-75-50-25 yds with 25 yd recovery between each sprint or 5 longer intervals of 100 yds with 60 seconds of rest between them. Warm up and cool down of 250 to 500 yds before and after depending on how much time I have.

    Day 2--Long Steady State Swim--at least 45 minutes of continuous swimming, regardless of how far I go. I usually stop at 45 minutes because I am so bored.

    Day 3--Targeted Drills--Warm up of 250 yds + 200 yds pulls with a pull buoy between my legs + 200 yds kicks with a kick board + 200 yds pulls with paddles on my hands + 250 yds cool down.

    Day 4--"Time Trial"--Warm up + 500 yds at "race pace" + 100 yds recovery + 250 yds. tempo pace + Cool down. This is my favorite workout of the week because I see improvement. When I started recording my 500 yds time, I was at 9:58. Yesterday I covered 500 yds in 9:15.

    Hope some of this is helpful and that you're back running soon!
  • blushpeonies
    blushpeonies Posts: 101 Member
    Thank you so MUCH!