C25K and weight loss

Ive just started this to up my exercise.

do you think it helps with weight loss?

what are peoples experiences with C25K?


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    A caloric deficit helps with weight loss, exercise just improves your bodies ability.

    C25K is really good, I didn't really stick to it for long, but I saw cardiovascular improvement within a couple of weeks.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    C25K is great for improving cardiovascular fitness and for strengthening your bones.

    Whether it helps with weight loss depends on whether you maintain a calorie deficit. Exercise is good for that because it lets you eat more and lose weight at the same rate you would if you were sedentary. However, since exercise takes a toll on your body, which needs to repair itself, you shouldn't think of exercise as a way to lose weight faster. But if you run 5K three times a week, you'll burn around 1,000 extra calories a week (more or less, depending on your weight, the terrain, and how fast you're going). That means you can eat an extra 140 calories a day.
  • kmcorc
    kmcorc Posts: 30 Member
    I'm doing C25K as well, and I love it. I hate running, but I want to run a half-marathon. I've had to take the past 12 days off due to a back injury, but I went out last night, and I only had to backtrack 3 days. Tomorrow is my first 5K, and although those two weeks off got me off schedule, I'm excited. I plan to start the 5K to 10K program once I finish C25K.

    The hardest part for me is just getting out there & doing it. Once I get my shoes on & get out the door I'm good.
  • krysstah
    krysstah Posts: 6 Member
    I've done the whole program once on my own and once with a friend. It was way more motivational to have a partner...I knew she was waiting for me. There were many days we both said that if the other person hadn't been meeting us we wouldn't have gone. I've done several 5Ks in my community since finishing the program. As long as you are also watching your calories in, this is a great way to get in your exercise and just around 30 minutes, so its pretty easy to fit it in.
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    I lost 15 lbs from running using this app and calorie counting. The hard part is keeping running after you've completed the program, I swear by c25k. Good luck!
  • thank you everyone im quite good at staying within in my calories and do other ativites just want to up my weight loss a lil and get fit would love to be able to one day run a half marthon