Unintentional weight loss and hair thinning?

For a few years now, I have maintained a consistent healthy weight and my hair has been healthy too. However, about a year ago, I lost 8 pounds unintentionally due to my anxiety. At this time, I noticed a difference in my hair, that it was thinner but it was still somewhat thick. I maintained that weight for a few months and then I lost 6 more pounds unintentionally. At this point, my hair was extremely thin. Absolutely horrible. It didn't come out anywhere (shower, comb, etc), it just overall thinned. I even lost 2 more pounds and was down at 103 and very underweight. Now I have gained 7 pounds back (over about 2 months) and am at 110. However, I'm still not back to 112-113 (where I was when my hair was thinner but still somewhat thick) and still not back to 120-125 (where I was originally when it was healthy). My hair hasn't gotten thicker and I REALLY want to bleach it and have been wanting to go blonde for so long now but I don't know if I can get it done. Is this caused by all the weight I've lost?

I do have an iron deficiency (low ferritin only, hematocrit and all that is normal) but I had low iron when I was at a healthy weight and it hasn't gotten any longer. In fact, last time it was checked it had went up very slightly. So I just don't understand?


  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    you need to see a doctor.
  • LoveHotCrossBuns
    I would advise to go and see your GP/Doctor for a check-up and to explain what has been going on. Xx
  • sharonpryke
    sharonpryke Posts: 13 Member
    As the others have said, first of all you should go and see a doctor. If everything is ok, then talk to a good hairdresser about wanting to go blonde. If your hair is thin or unhealthy bleaching it may not be a good plan. A professional will be able to advise you.

    Remember once you go blonde, you'll need to keep on bleaching/colouring fairly frequently so its best to have it done professionally.
  • fit4eva86
    fit4eva86 Posts: 71 Member
    I would ask your doctor to do a TSH test.
  • shartran
    shartran Posts: 304 Member
    Yes...unfortunately it is caused by lack of nutrition. When you starve your body of what it needs, the superficial parts of the body 'go' first. ie: hair, skin condition, etc.,

    I am ana and have ruined my hair. However, last year I was in the hospital for several months (in the ED program). There, I was eating up to 3500+ calories/day - gained a lot of weight and my hair was changing. It was shiny and started to grow back, however it never quite returned to the 'original' texture. But, wow...I was happy that it was growing!!

    Returning back home, I've (unfortunately) returned back to my 'ana weight' and hair isn't as nice anymore - has also thinned out again too...
  • shartran
    shartran Posts: 304 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will mention this to my doctor.

    Shartran - How long did it taking after eating 3500+ calories/day for your hair to grow back?

    Surprise to me that it didn't take too long. Probably about 2 months in, I noticed the shine and I started to see little 'sprouts' of new hair coming in. I've 'heard' that what you consume shows its effect on the body after about 3 months.
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    Please, GET IT CHECKED OUT! I don't mean to scare you, but I had a similar experience about a year ago.

    Around August/September last year, I began to notice that I magically lost 30 pounds after moving houses. Over the next two months, I continued to lose weight without doing anything to change my diet or exercise (at one point losing six pounds a week). I experienced other symptoms, like increased thirst, increased urination, and severe fatigue (guess what I was developing). By the time that I really began to worry, I lost about 55 pounds (210 to 155).

    I went to my hair stylist on November 6th, 2013, and she commented that my hair was falling out. She thought it was something wrong with my thyroid, and she gave me the directions to the nearest urgent care center. I went there, did some tests, and the doctor on call told me to get to the ER immediately. I was in the middle of diabetic ketoacidosis and was an undiagnosed type 1 diabetic.

    If I didn't get myself checked out when I did, I easily could have slipped into a diabetic coma or died within 24 hours. Thankfully, after a few days in ICU, I was able to get myself back under control, though I rely on insulin injections for survival.
  • Tab122377
    Tab122377 Posts: 81 Member
    CALL your DOCTOR first thing. These are signs of very serious conditions!
  • Cbryce2012
    You could have a thyroid Condition.... Look up hyperthyroidism or Graves Disease... Hope this helps! also check lupus symptoms... Sounds autoimmune!
  • stillhere1981
    stillhere1981 Posts: 119 Member
    Unintentional weight loss is generally not a good thing. Please go see your doctor right away.
  • Ow3593
    Ow3593 Posts: 21 Member
    This is like someone asking for help with a broken leg on the internet, this is a discussion that should be between you and your doctor.
  • pollytex
    Have your Thyroid checked
  • aubaby
    aubaby Posts: 48 Member
    It is important to get it checked out with a doctor. These are symptoms of several different serious diseases.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Go see your doctor
    Do NOT do anything to your hair, unless if you are willing to shave the rest of it off if things dont work out. Your hair is already unhealthy - dont do something to make it worse.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    first off doing daily weight isn't going to show you much but weekly weight will give you a better idea. Secondly it takes 3500 calaries above your normal amount of calories to gain weight.............if your dr is really concerned about your weight they could suggest that you start drinking ensure, slim fast, protien drinks etc. besides eating your normal amount of calories you need to talk to your dr about this
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    Unfortunately, with some people, weight loss is going to cause hair loss due to the flux in hormones. Sometimes it grows back, sometimes it doesn't. My hair when I was bigger and healthy and fuller than it is now, but it has always been fine and thin. With weight loss, and even being monitored more by my doctor, the hair loss is still there, and increased until I started taking a med for it to stop. All my labs were normal except for my low iron, which has been fixed, but still hair is very thin. My doctor said it could stay like this forever, or in the next few years it should become thicker. FYI I know blondes have more fun, but bleaching will just set your hair back in its healing process.
    Go see your doctor and have them do a complete check up on you.
  • Nativmd
    Nativmd Posts: 9 Member
    Hi you might have hyperthyroidism please see a doctor immediately