Workout hands

So I'm doing p90x right now and I've had this problem before when I was doing Bodypump at the gym regularly, my hands are getting torn up! I bought workout gloves but the pull ups and chin ups are still killing my hands! I literally have a blood blister just below my middle finger on each hand after my workout tonight. Maybe my gloves aren't fitting right? But they were like this without them too.... Anyone else had problems with this? Any good solutions? Thanks!


  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Check local sporting gods stores and ask for gymnasts' chalk - the kind they put on their hands before they get on the parallel bars or rings. It helps keep your hands from sliding and burning the skin on your palms. I used to use it when I did heavy weightlifting and it works. It's cheap, too, so that's a bonus. It's a little messy, but worth it.

    Also, DO NOT use baby powder. It makes your hands slippery and will make the problem ten times worse. Good luck!
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    You could also try climbers chalk, pretty much the same thing as for gymnasts. Good luck!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Ditto the gymnasts chalk. Or if you are in the middle of nowhere like where I currently live so they look at you like a nut when you ask for chalk at the local sporting goods store (They don't exactly keep it with the fish bait, I guess.), callouses will build up and the blisters will go away. Takes a while though. I'm currently going through blisters on my feet because I've started using my treadmill barefoot. I love being barefoot and use to walk around outside all summer without shoes. I miss that, so I am trying to build up the toughness of my feet so that I can handle it this summer outside. I've actually been surprised at how much more comfortable walking on the treadmill is barefoot. I can see the appeal of barefoot running from it. Not that I ever plan to run, but I can understand the thought process of those who do. Yeah, I'm weird, I know. I punch a heavy bag with no gloves too. But hey, if I ever have to use my kickboxing skills in a real self defense situation, the bad guy isn't going to wait on me to put on gloves or footpads, so I figured I'd better toughen up those body parts too.

    Sorry, went on a ramble. As for treatment of the blisters, use a sterilized needle and pop it on the edge. That way you can drain the fluid to ease the pain but leave the skin covering the wound so it won't rip open while you are working out. The gloves aren't a good fit if they are causing blisters, so if you opt to go with another pair, have them fitted for you. Some sporting goods stores in larger cities (again not if you live in BFE like I do) can fit them for you.
  • claire0928
    claire0928 Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. I'm not sure how my gym would feel if I brought chalk into a classroom though since it's used for all the classes. The pull up bar share with my bf has foam padding on it so I'm doubting it would help there either. I really hate the calluses so I guess I'll just have to keep scrubbing them off and toughen up!