Where do you work?

I'm job searching! Help me out! Where do you guys work? Do you love your job or hate it?

I currently work at McDonald's and make $150 every two weeks; and I'm a full-time student. But I'm looking for a job where I'm not on my feet all day, and maybe I could study at work. Plus, a set schedule from week to week. This is exhausting me.


  • SheBeButLittleSheisFierce
    I have three jobs, but one of them is a work from home customer service job. Go to arise.com to find out more
  • BehindtheMic
    BehindtheMic Posts: 1,736 Member
    Radio DJ and sports broadcaster at a smalltown station. LOVE my job!!!!
  • AnswerintheSky
    Peer Specialist in Mental Health for a Health Authority in Canada. Love MY job!! Some sitting, some driving, lots of meetings with clients in the community, fixed hours, pro-rated benefits. Other positions available on an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Team.