Italian girl searching friends and motivation! :)

Hi everyone! My name is Cristiana, I'm 23 years old and I started my journey here a week ago. Since I don't have any friends that use myfitnesspal I thought it would be cool to seek support in the English-speakers community.

Soooo...right into my journey:
I'm 1,66 mt tall
73 kg

I want to lose circa 10-15 kg!
I will weight myself in 3 days ( I want to weight every 10 or 14 days)

if you want to add me feel free to do so, I hope I could motivate someone (and I hope to be motivated too!)

:) see you!


  • kissesdahling
    kissesdahling Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Cristiana! I just started back on MFP after taking some time off due to illness. I will be happy to add you! =)
  • Welcome to MyFitnessPal :)
  • I'm am happy to add u as a friend. I need friends on MyFitnessPal.
  • Thank you, you two :))) it's good to see someone answer ???? sorry about my poor English :)
  • I have started my process back in 2013 & since been logging my foods & beverages every day. I am on a 217 day streak :)
  • Omg what an inspiration!!! I just started a week ago:) I want to be fit for the next summer since I live by the sea and also I want to like myself and my body again. Here in Italy summer it's really a pain if you're not comfortable in your body (everyone with shorts and belly exposed o.o)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Ciao Cristiana, welcome to MFP!

    I'm losing baby weight at the youngest is 4 months I am back! I'm 167cm tall and aiming to be about 68 kilos. I was 70 before I got pregnant and I was slim then.

    Il tuo inglese e molto bene! Can't say the same for my Italian lol. I'm a French teacher and can understand some Italian.

    I'm English, i'm 36 and also live by the sea, near Hastings. I've felt horrible this Summer since my clothes from last Summer didn't fit.
  • It is KOOL :), I can understand your English :)
  • Hey

    Think you should do that no problem :)
  • We're just the same height!! I can understand you (sadly). I have always weighted between 66 and 68 kg but I thought: this will be my year of revolution :) I want to be healthier and thinner :)

    P.s. Your Italian is buono! Wish I could speak French and good English!
  • U should be on the right track as long as you log everything u eat & drink:) what is your ideal goal weight u want to reach.
  • I don't really have any expectation since I'm not that overweight to begin with. What's in my mind is to lose some weigh AND change the way I've been eating all along. Since I'm living alone now I think I can so that. My big big dream would be weighting 55-58 kg (I've never been that "skinny") but even 60-63 would be good as long as I don't get all my weight back :)
  • My weight is 75.8 kg,at the moment I'm content with my weight but I am planning my goal weight to be 70-65 kg.
  • Wow! Well you're not that far from your ideal weight! Do you do sport too?
  • So near yet so far :) I do not play any sport.
  • Do u play sport(s). My exercises r Zumba & fitness ball. I am planning to work out again 5x a week. How often do u exercise a week.
  • I go running 3x a week :) you do a lot of exercise!!!
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
    Your English is very good! My Italian, not so much. I need to learn a little bit before my trip to Rome.

  • Thank you so much :) I think that learning Italian can be really tricky (especially the pronunciation and grammar) while English is easier (at least this is my experience).
    I live in Rome so it's cool to see someone that wants to travel here (well I guess it's a pretty important Italian city when you travel this far ehehhe :D) if you need any help with your Italian, feel free to pm me :)
  • Hey
    Welcome to this site, it is awesome. I have been here for over 700 days and love it. I have an awesome group of females lol, who keep me on track :smile: