When is the best time of the day to check weight?

I check my weight every morning before eating or drinking anything. How about you?

Hoping to get new ideas on this topic.


  • megan116xo
    megan116xo Posts: 40 Member
    when doing my morning routine to get ready is when i weigh myself as well. ( before eating)
  • When you wake up urinate and then weigh in.
  • Iri_2
    Iri_2 Posts: 349 Member
    In the morning, after using the bathroom and before eating or drinking anything.
  • i check in the morning after using the restroom but before breakfast.
  • after morning routine...before breakfast...before getting dressed
  • larrys2112
    larrys2112 Posts: 35 Member
    Straight out of bed, go to the bathroom and weigh, every day!!
  • Tydeclare44
    Tydeclare44 Posts: 572 Member
    Once a week Sat morning!
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    Anytime I feel like it.

    But, the only one I record (when I can stay on schedule) is Monday evenings at the gym. Around the same time, and always the same scale.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I weigh myself every Saturday morning after using the toilet and before eating.
    The reading is more accurate in the morning than at night after you have eaten.
  • RommelMathew
    RommelMathew Posts: 44 Member
    Great! Thanks everyone for your responses. Looks like I've been doing it right all along. :happy:
  • lindainprogress
    lindainprogress Posts: 129 Member
    I find it fascinating to weight every night and every morning. I feel like it keeps it real and helps me not freak about fluctuations that are a normal part of weight loss. And it is very rewarding when your current am weight turns into your pm weight. That is just me,
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i weigh all day, but consider my official check-in weight to be right after i wake up and go to the bathroom.
  • It is completely up to you. However, in order for an accurate reading, for an "official" weight in, I would recommend weighing in at around the same time every day, in the same clothing (if you weight with clothing on).

    For me, I weight first thing in the morning right after I wake up. I won't drink any water before I weight in. I use the bathroom and weigh without clothes. My scale is always in the same place and I use an electronic scale. So I know my readings are accurate for me.
  • baggieboy78
    baggieboy78 Posts: 4 Member
    Every two or three days very first thing in the morning. Only record a new weight after 4 weighings read the same.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Wake, pee, weigh. :)

    Try to weigh in wearing the same thing every day...for many people, it's their birthday suit. :)
  • starryphoenix
    starryphoenix Posts: 381 Member
    I weigh myself every Saturday before I eat anything or drink anything.