This is it! A Life Style Change

Hello all!
As many I have been on this roller coaster for a while, but this time I know it is different. I've lost my weight before only to gain it back when some kind of major change has taken place in my life. I know this is different this time because, I know how to do this, I know I can do this, and I'm paying attention for major changes so I can not allow them to derail me.

I don't believe in waiting until January 1 or Monday or Tuesday when I go back to work to start this, because as soon as something goes wrong, I've gotten off the right path and have become unrailed again. My lessons have shown me to start now in the next moment, with the next meal, even if you go off a little here or there (this is life), we have to allow a little room for exceptions.

I'm excited about this site, because it gave me several requirments I was looking for (it was free), I've spent so much money in the past, have so many dvd's, equipment etc, (a food diary) easy enough to log that learns, (message boards) so I can communicate with others and get help when necessary (exercise log) to keep up with what I'm doing.

I'm toying with running a 1/2 marathon in May - I ran a 5K in October of 2009 and loved it. It gave me something to train for and shoot for. I'm not really experienced with it and don't even know if they have any space left. I look forward to taking a challenge or two and can't wait to meet some of you.

Good Luck with all of your goals in 2011!


  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    Good for you!!!! I like your way of thinking! What you said is so true for so many of us!! You are a true inspiration. Best of luck to you on your journey!!