
Please could someone please explain to me in simple terms ( because Im a bit thick), how to wokr out my macros
Im 12 -9 and want to lose fat. I go to the gym twice a week and do bootcamp 3 times a week. Im 47 , female and consider myself to be very fit. Please help :smile:


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    It's kind of a personal thing - I've seen loads of different percentages. A popular one is 40/30/30 (in favour of carbs.

    However, if you want to get more technical you could calculate your protein and fat from your bodyweight - set protein anywhere from 0.8 g per lb LBM - 1.5 g per lb bodyweight. Set fat for 0.4 g per lb bodyweight. Use the rest of your calories for carbs.

    Like I say, it's more of a personal thing based on goals and how you prefer to eat. Have a fiddle with it and see what works for you.
  • tracymaskew
    tracymaskew Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Ill try that xx
  • myrtille87
    myrtille87 Posts: 122 Member
    I've got mine set to 45:25:30, purely because I was finding it impossible to get anywhere near 30% protein whilst eating in a sustainable way that fits what I like to eat.

    Before using MP I estimate I was eating more like 55:15:30, so it's an improvement, and fits the way I like to eat.

    I have some kind of carbs at every meal but try not to go overboard in terms of portions.

    Some typical meals I have:
    breakfast - oats, yoghurt, fruit OR porridge (I've got some with added protein) with blueberries
    lunch - 1 tortilla wrap, chicken, salad, mayo (before I would have had 2 wraps) / baked potato with tuna and cottage cheese
    dinner - home-made curry with 50g rice (before I would have had about 80g)
    home-made bolognese with 60-70g pasta (before I would have had 100g)
    salmon and veg with 200g new potatoes (before I would have had 250-300g)

    I think it's important to make your goals achievable - if I set my protein macro to 35% I'd just give up. But with it set to 25% I can be nearly there and choose to add in a snack or shake to meet my goal.
  • tracymaskew
    tracymaskew Posts: 5 Member
    ive set it at 40-30-30 in favour of carbs and see how it goes from there. MP had it set at 45-25-30. Think that wasn't achievable xx
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I change mine all the time. This week I'm 30 30 40. Last week I was 30 35 35. You have to find what works for you.