Is it possible...

...For a person to gain muscle at a more rapid rate than another person?

I have lifted in the past, for about two years, reached my goal of 178 pounds with little body fat. It was the biggest I've ever been, but unfortunately I became quite ill and all the progress I gained went out the window just like that. Each day I just lost more and more weight and muscle until eventually every drop of motivation and determination I had just left me.

When I was better again, I was so annoyed about loosing my muscle gain, that I couldn't even look at a gym without becoming pissed off.

Anyway a few months ago, with friends pestering and annoying me to hit the weights again, I decided to give it another shot.

I should say before we started, exactly two months ago, the three of us were roughly the same size. All about 163-165 pounds. Two months in, and the amount of muscle definition and mass I've gained compared to the other two is drastic. We've been eating similar amounts, with similar macros but I'm leading the way by quite a stretch. I'm not bragging or anything by the way, I still look in the mirror not happy and know I'm way off to getting anywhere close to the body I had 3 years ago. But I'll get there.

Anyway, is it possible that some people gain muscle much quicker than others? Or could it be that I've lifted in the past and my muscles are reacting to weight training quicker than the other two because of this?

Interested to know... cheers!
