What do you do when you have overeaten?



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Seriously life is too short to get wound up about it. What the people who said about look at it as though spread over the week and then you cna do an extra bit of cardio each day to make it up including a bit more walking. Its 7500 calories for 1lb weight loss, so even a few 1lbs on that basis would require you eating 15000 calories which would be a lot of food.

    As always dont beat yourself up, dont get guilty it happened just deal with it.
  • If I have time, I go to the gym - an hour on an aerobic elliptical program will atone for a multitude of sins. Otherwise, it's as other people have said: one day won't hurt. If you've gone way, way past your daily limit, I would consider eating slightly less the next day, but only for a very extreme overshoot.
  • LadyHomestar
    LadyHomestar Posts: 16 Member
    cry, then work out. then maybe cry some more :P
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Don't sweat it. It's one meal.
    Eat a healthy dinner regardless if you go over your daily limit.
    Tomorrow is a new day.
  • summer_of_69
    summer_of_69 Posts: 28 Member

    First, you did the right thing: you tracked it.

    Second, reconsider how you are using myfitnesspal. Consider using it initially, for the first month, JUST to track, not to lose. My goal has not been to eat x calories, but to track so I can learn how to eat what I like in reasonable ways. I remember one time eating one of those big grab bags of Doritoes and then upon tracking them realized it was 520 calories (since they have like 2.5 servings int them). I will still eat Doritoes, but now more mindfully and make sure I only eat one serving. (This is similar to what financial planners tell you: track your spending for a month just to see where the money - in this case the calories - are going. Then you make the changes.)

    Third, did you enjoy the food? In that case, celebrate! Screw it! You already ate it! There is absolutely no point in beating yourself up. It was good, and you now know how many calories it was.

    Fourth, if it will make you feel better (it does me), take a nice walk to just get some more calories in. Don't force yourself to burn off as many as you ate, but even a 100 calories will be burned with a 30-minute leisurely walk.

    Fifth, make sure you do eat a good meal for dinner. Maybe something lighter, but don't starve yourself just to stay under the calorie count.

    Sixth, remember that this is a journey and you will often overeat. I often overeat. I am getting better at doing it less often, but it will always happen because I am human and I like food. :) (Not to mention beer!)

    Seventh: treat yourself like you would treat someone else. If your friend had told you she's blown her calories in one meal, you would probably be compassionate to her and cheer her on and tell her it's ok. Do the same to yourself-- you deserve compassion and grace as well.

    Hope this helps.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I just try to salvage the day as best I can. I go for a walk, run or go to the gym to get some extra calories and try to have a dinner with mostly protein and veggies. My go to when I am short on calories is a 4oz FF turkey burger and some steamed zuchinni or squash and a salad with some very light dressing. That is about 200-300 calories. It holds me over to the next day usually and I can start fresh. If I go over by a bit I don't sweat it to much. 1 day over by a few calories isn't going to damage your progress very much and more than likely you are still at a deficit. :)
  • f0r54ken
    f0r54ken Posts: 21 Member
    Working out just might make you even more hungry too. If I over eat on accident. Sometimes later in the night when I'm hungry again I'll just eat a couple carrots or banana's or something. Veggies and fruits are lower for calorie intake so it's a good compromise when you don't have much left.

    Pickles do a really good job at satisfying savory hunger for the low cost of 5 calories per pickle slice. :)