any vegetarians out there?

I am startning a weight lifting program, and really starting to look more at macros rather than calorie intake. Curious to see how other veggies get their protein. I should be more specific, in that I am a pescetarian/ lacto-ovo, so I still eat fish and consume egg and dairy products.

Noticing too that legumes are pretty high in carbs, not a bad thing necessarily, just when I am wanting my macros at 35-40/35-40/20-30, all the legumes and veggies that are double in grams of carbs to protein the macros are turning out to be more like 50/20/30.

Feel free to add me as a friend, would love more veggie friends :)



  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I'm not veggie, but I don't eat a lot of meat. I eat eggs, egg whites, protein powder, morning star farms grillers, fish, "chicken" (gardein chicken tenders), plain greek yogurt, peanut butter, unsweetened soy milk. I do eat beans (black/pinto) for fiber as well.

    I try to eat a balance of carbs/protein every day at a minimum, or eat slightly more protein.

    I do better with more protein, just the way my body works.
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Yeah I defiantly do better with more protein as well, too many eggs and I get gasy (to be frank) so trying to find alternatives to eggs. I ran out of whey protein, I think I am going to order some whey protein isolate, I have heard good things about that for people who tend get gassy/bloated easily.

    Thanks for sharing what all you eat!

    I used to not be a fully pescetarian, but I realized I really don't like meat, so why buy something for it to go bad in the fridge or get freezer burn. I haven't missed it and going on 16 weeks now.
  • healthyfoxx
    healthyfoxx Posts: 104 Member
    If you're eating fish, eggs and dairy, I'm not sure how you don't get the protein you need!

    I'm transitioning back to a vegan diet (ovo veg right now), but being lacto/ovo vegetarian is easy to get protein, let alone with fish. Stock up on greek yogurt, cottage cheese, edamame... check for breads that has a protein as well. Mine is a local brand, but it had 3g per slice. Not a ton, but it helps! I also LOVE tofu, so that is also a great help. I'm going to start making my own seitan which is even higher in protein, so that will be a big boost, too.

    When in doubt, use a protein shake until you figure out a good food rotation to get the protein you need.
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Mostly I just get bored with the same stuff. I need to look up more recipes. And again, I am not necessarily on a low carb diet, but I am also trying to keep my macros more at 40/30/20 and not 50/20/30.

    Thanks for the suggestions, I do like tofu, I should get some and try and cook it myself!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Seitan (aka wheat gluten mock meat, mock duck, etc.) is very high in protein, far more than tempeh or tofu. It works well as a meat substitute in stew recipes and the like. Almonds and black walnuts also have a lot of protein. Lots of fat, too, of course. But black walnuts are low-carb. (Almonds have about the same amount of protein and carbohydrates.)
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Soy beans have more protein per bean than other beans.
    Foods with protein: spinach, chia seeds, green beans, hemp seeds, hemp seed powder, lentils, prunes, dates, avocados, dried figs, raisins, most veggie burgers,
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    If you're eating fish, eggs and dairy, I'm not sure how you don't get the protein you need!

    I'm transitioning back to a vegan diet (ovo veg right now), but being lacto/ovo vegetarian is easy to get protein, let alone with fish. Stock up on greek yogurt, cottage cheese, edamame... check for breads that has a protein as well. Mine is a local brand, but it had 3g per slice. Not a ton, but it helps! I also LOVE tofu, so that is also a great help. I'm going to start making my own seitan which is even higher in protein, so that will be a big boost, too.

    When in doubt, use a protein shake until you figure out a good food rotation to get the protein you need.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I am startning a weight lifting program, and really starting to look more at macros rather than calorie intake. Curious to see how other veggies get their protein. I should be more specific, in that I am a pescetarian/ lacto-ovo, so I still eat fish and consume egg and dairy products.

    Noticing too that legumes are pretty high in carbs, not a bad thing necessarily, just when I am wanting my macros at 35-40/35-40/20-30, all the legumes and veggies that are double in grams of carbs to protein the macros are turning out to be more like 50/20/30.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, would love more veggie friends :)


    Carbs are friends if you're going to be exercising.
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Yeah carbs are defiantly friends, I am no means anti-carb, or "low carb" I am just trying to be more conscious. I tend to turn to more carb high foods, which I think is why I get the mid-after noon crash. I am really trying to concentrate on getting in that good protein (and fats some days) to keep my energy up during work.

    Having the weekend to actually be able to sit and eat also helped. I think I figured out, its not so much the balancing is difficult, its the preparing enough food to pack for the entire day, and then make myself actually stop and eat. I am great at meal prepping and planning...not so great at making myself eat.

    I will have to look into the Seitan, sounds interesting!
  • twinkfran
    twinkfran Posts: 54 Member
    Lentils and other beans are great - use them for burgers, cottage pie, lasagne - anywhere that could be minced meat
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Feel free to add me (just add a note saying you're a veg). I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian, although my macros are not the same as yours. Still, my diary will show a lot of protein sources you may not have considered. I really like gardein soy products. Their mock turkey is to dieee for. As is their mandarin fake chicken. I'm not low carb at all; I eat tons of veggies.
  • Etharian
    Etharian Posts: 11 Member
    I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian as well (though I try and limit my dairy). As Britishbrocco mentioned, Gardein has some great products. I recently learned of new brand called Quorn that has lots of great meat replacement options. Clif bars and luna protein bars are also pretty good to get in some easy protein (though clif bars are around 250 Kcal a pop, and Luna protein bars around 180 Kcal).

    Lentils are great option if you want to limit the amount of boxed/frozen foods you eat.

    Feel free to add me. We can all use a little motivation on knowledge sharing.
  • steff274
    steff274 Posts: 227 Member
    Am also a veggie that eats fish have been maintaining for a while now.. I never quite hit my protein target I try though feel free to add me ;)
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Thanks for the tips everyone! I do have a new fondness for lentils. I made a huge crock pot of them, and they lasted me about a month. Never thought about subbing them for meat like in a lasagna! Thats a great idea!